b'Were still trying to clear up the regulations and other regula-tory framework for CBD, says Mark. That means, a lot of com-panies are still sitting on the sidelines until they know what the regulatory space is really going to look like.However, in terms of CBD, Mark says the industry wont see any real regulatory clarity until human trials are completed. Mark notes, though, that various extraction methodsthe techniques used to extract CBD from the floral materialare branching out into more spaces. CBD, other cannabinoids, terpe-nes and delta-8 are all opportunities opening.Delta-8 THC is a psychoactive substance found in hemp plants, and while it is one of over 100 cannabinoids produced naturally by the plant, its not found in significant amounts. Delta-8 is pretty controversial, Mark says. It does naturally occur in the hemp plant, but it doesnt occur in any type of eco-nomically viable component until its converted from the CBD isolate.In addition, delta-8 has not been FDA approved. According toWendy Mosher believes while the fiber market in the U.S. is picking the FDA, has had an uptick in adverse event reports to the FDAup production, the grain market is what needs to be top-of-mind.and the nations poison control centers. While CBD was the thought to be the cash cow of the indus- Im starting to see it pick up, and I have a lot of hope, she trial hemp market, other markets might prove more viable. says. But, the grain market is happening nowlets focus there. According to Mark, Canada would be the U.S.s biggestThe Grain and Fiber Market Potential competitor on the grain side of things, while Europe and China Though CBD was the first market to really take the spotlight, twoare big competitors on the fiber side. other hemp markets loomed in the shadows: grain and fiber.Were behind on those two components, behind in terms of The grain and fiber side of things have really struggled, sit- research, Mark says. Were trying to play catch up on that, but ting second fiddle to the CBD industry, Mark says. But thatstheres a lot of excitement on the grain and fiber space.really where I think a lot of individuals thought the hemp industryWhen it comes down to it, though, Mosher says theres still a was going to go to initially. CBD came onto the scene and tooklot to learn about both industriesespecially on the grain side. the spotlight away, but were seeing more spotlight put back onGrain is the big opportunity, and the industry is still missing the grain and fiber sectors. it, Mosher says.One company that is excited about this new spotlight is NewWhen I speak to fiber producers and CBD producers, many West Genetics, located in Fort Collins, Colo. times they arent aware of the excellent nutrition qualities of Weve seen a decrease in CBD acreage in 2019 and inthe grain, she says. How can we expect ingredient and CPG 2020 as well, but were seeing a pickup again in 2021 acreagecompanies to know if we, as an industry, dont know ourselves? on the grain and fiber side, says Wendy Mosher, CEO of NewHemp grain addresses both the protein and the omega-3West Genetics. Though, Im glad we saw that CBD decrease.markets, a large addressable marketthe fiber market is a Everyone was so excited about CBD, no one did the math ongood-sized market for sure but is about half the size of those two how many acres you actually need to serve that market. addressable grain market segments. Realistically, theres been quite the disconnect between howTo put it in perspective, Mosher mentions than every year on many acres of hemp you need to produce to meet the demandaverage, the U.S. grows 80 million acres of soy. The protein plus of CBD. Mosher says a recent report published by Pan Exchange,the omega-3 markets worldwide are around $90 billionestimated that only about 10,000 acres was needed to fill cur- combined, whereas in comparison, the fiber market is around rent demand for CBD.$58 billion. However, as both Mosher and Mark mentioned, that discon- Why shouldnt hemp grain be used in addition or as a rota-nect led to a bigger spotlight on other CBD markets. tion with soy to serve that protein market, and in addition or as Mosher, in particular, is keen on the grain market. a rotation with canola for those healthy fatty acids? According Now, you think after the roller coaster in the world of CBD,to Mosher, they provide an equal if not superior option for grain there would be a more even approach to focus on all parts of theapplications. hemp plant, she says. However, what weve seen is a flocking toThat, she says, is the large acre opportunity.fiber and still very little focus on grain. Again, we love and are excited about the fiber market, but its While New West Genetics is completely in favor of the fiberstill in its infancy in the U.S., she says. Theyre making awesome, market and the potential applications, Mosher says the mar- exciting products, especially in the building materials space, but kets, products, as well as processing techniques are still beingthose products still have some perfecting to do before they can figured out.compete in the market.112/ SEEDWORLD.COMDECEMBER 2021'