b'chased the Hartung Brothers facility in Coon Rapids, Iowa, for the use of corn production, processing, and distribution. Hartung Brothers has acquired the lease for the farmland and most of the equipment at Becks Kauai, Hawaii facility. As part of the relationship, Hartung Brothers will also provide contract services and operational capacity for Becks as needed in both Hawaii and the Midwest.BASF and Vipergen Accelerate Targeted R&D of Sustainable Crop Protection ProductsFarmers worldwide are facing the challenge of feeding a growing population while reducing the impact of agriculture on the environment. BASF partners with Vipergen to apply their technology to discover new active ingredients for sustainable crop protection products more efficiently and quickly.tion of carbon credits as a new income stream for Bayer Fuels Leading Market Positions in Cropfarmers, demonstrating the emerging markets poten-Science through Innovation tial as a real and meaningful instrument for mitigating Bayer announced continued progress in deliveringBASF andthe drivers of climate change.customer-focused, sustainable agricultural innovation in an update with investors. The companys success inVipergenAg-Analytics Acquires AcreValue, Expanding translating research and development (R&D) leader- Capabilities to Unlock Value, Productivity of ship into differentiated and advanced products forcollaborateFarmlandfarmers is driving operational performance, whileto discoverAg-Analytics announced the acquisition of AcreValue. shaping the future of agriculture.The acquisition by Ag-Analytics will build on new activeAcreValues advanced capabilities for analyzing the S&W Announces $5.0 Million Private Placementingredientsvalue and productivity of farmland with Ag-Analytics with Management and Board Participation expertise in precision farm analytics, sustainabil-S&W Seed Company announced that it has closed afority metrics and GIS mapping technology to deliver non-brokered private placement of its common stocksustainableenhanced land management tools.for total gross proceeds of approximately $5.0 million. MFP Partners, L.P. (MFP), S&Ws largest shareholder,cropBenson Hill Completes Business Combination purchased approximately $3.8 million of shares ofwith Star Peak Corp IIcommon stock, and certain members of S&Ws Boardprotection. Benson Hill, Inc. announced the completion of its of Directors and executive management purchasedpreviously announced business combination with approximately $1.2 million of shares of common stock.Star Peak Corp II. Concurrent with the closing, Star The company issued 1,847,343 shares of its commonPeak changed its name to Benson Hill, Inc. Benson stock at a purchase price of $2.73 per share in theHills common stock and warrants are expected to private placement. commence trading on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker symbols BHIL and BHIL.WS, Indigo Pays 267 Farmers in Milestone Progressrespectively, on September 30, 2021. for Scalable Ag Carbon Farming ProgramIndigo Ag announced the disbursement of initial pay- Calyxt Announces Collaboration to Develop ments to the inaugural cohort of Carbon by IndigoPalm Oil Alternativeparticipants. The 267 paid growers are the first toCalyxt, Inc. announced it entered into a research implement on-farm practice changes and provide thecollaboration with a leading global food ingredient data required to ensure the rigorous measurementmanufacturer based in Asia to develop an improved and validation of resulting emissions reduction andsoybean capable of producing an oil as a commercial removals according to registry protocols. In doing so,alternative to palm oil. In addition to the potential they have helped pave a path for the scaled produc- health benefits, this soybean and its oil may address 142/ SEEDWORLD.COMDECEMBER 2021'