b'For example, we use a lot ofpre-emergent herbicides and thats oneThe Best Time to Plant Soybeansthing that can have a little bit of stressBecks Hybrids has performed research on early-planted soybeans for 20 years in on soybean seedlings as they absorb it,the Practical Farm Research program. The company says yield benefits come from says Don Kyle, Corteva Agriscience soy- increased nodes and pods created over the longer stretch of the legumes life.bean breeding zone evaluation lead. So, having varieties that include native genes108% 108% 107%to help metabolize and protect that seed- 98% 99%ling from those herbicides is important. 92%Farmers arent just planting 79%short-season varieties early. In fact, longer maturing soybeans are preferred because they have a longer reproductive window to add yield. Therefore, when investing in new genetics target a wide swath of maturities.Here are a few more key factors toMarch 16-31 April 1-15 April 16-30 May 1-15 May 16-31 June 1-15 June 16-30consider in the breeding process when it comes to early-planted soybeans, accord-ing to Kyle: because the plant is exposed longer,reality as early planting gets more and Early flowering to extend the and during more vulnerable times.more popular.reproductive period. (And not just P88788 tolerance asResponding to grower demandsor Lodging resistance because as theSCN is largely resistant to this geneticin this case, practice changescan help plant adds pods, it gets heavy. package.) set seed companies apart in the competi-Strong disease package, namelyWe converted our research programstive market. Early planted soybeans are a against early-season diseases andto earlier plantingthat April timeframe,trend that seems to have legs, and one to sudden death syndrome. Kyle adds. It lets us really sort out geneticwatch.SWSoybean cyst nematode toleranceyield potential and how it responds inDesigned to leave MARKING PRODUCTSYour Mark. - Agriculture Posting Signs- Custom Tags & Stickers - Marking Flags- Field Flags- Marking PostsWatch your Business GROW when you Start with. 1-800-942-5816 BLACKBURN MANUFACTURINGwww.blackburnflag.comsales@blackburnflag.com28/ SEEDWORLD.COMDECEMBER 2021'