b'A look at seed industry developments around the globe.to discuss in earnest how toSanatech used genomeoutset of a breeding pro- development of food and other implement the initiatives andediting technology to removegram, saving time, effort, andcrops suited to marginal envi-targets as promised: in a waythe auto-inhibitory domainmoney. ronments, that is agroecosys-that leaves no one behind. that prevents tomatoes fromThe collaborators identifiedtems constrained by a range of increasing their GABA con- genetic markers associatedfactors such as water scarcity, tent. However, the start-upwith 10 grain-quality traits in asoil and water salinity, heat and STATUS JAPAN did not add any genes thatsample of 284 rice lines, rep- drought, among others.A start-up launched at theare not naturally found in theresenting 20 years of breed- H.E. Mariam bint University of Tsukuba hasvegetable. ing in Latin America and theMohammed Almheiri, Minister recently started selling aIn December last year,Caribbean. of Climate Change and tomato variety developedSanatech Seeds submitted aThe markers stronglyEnvironment of the UAE, with genome editing technol- notice of its intent to com- predicted amylose contentsaid: The Desert Life Science ogy, the first food product ofmercialize Sicilian Rouge High(a determinant of stickiness),Laboratory is a vital initiative this kind ever to be put on theGABA as the nations firstgelatinization temperatureand one that is a significant Japanese market. genome-edited food prod- (cooking time), and setbackaddition to the UAEs food Sanatech Seed Co. inuct to the Health, Labor andviscosity (texture), but weresecurity efforts, as enshrined Tokyo developed the varietyWelfare Ministry. The notifica- also associated with millingin the countrys National by modifying genes so thattion was accepted. quality and appearance traits. Food Security Strategy 2051. it contains four to five timesThe government does notWith marker-assistedIncreased desertification as the usual amount of GABArequire business operators toselection, the cycle is abbrevi- a result of climate change is (gamma-aminobutyric acid),identify gene-edited foodsated. At the wide end of theexpanding marginal environ-a substance that can preventas such in their labeling, butfunnel, thousands of linesments, so finding crops with blood pressure from rising.Sanatech Seeds makes it clearcan be grown as seedlings ina food value that can not only Sicilian Red High GABAthat the variety was devel- a greenhouse. A snip of leaftolerate but thrive in these tomato produces lower thanoped using genome editingmaterial and a trip to the labenvironments is a strategic usual quantities of an enzymetechnology.is all it takes to determine ifpriority.that breaks down the aminoIn the European Union,a given seedling should beHer Excellency added: acid GABA (or gamma- the tomato would currentlygiven the chance to grow upThe Desert Life Science aminobutyric acid), so fruitsbe regulated as a geneticallyto maturity and move forwardLaboratory, through its contain more GABA thanmodified product, whichin the process. advanced research into more normal tomatoes. GABA iswould make the cost ofresilient and nutritious crops, produced by our body andauthorization prohibitive.can assist other countries that plays a key role in the brainHowever, the UK is expectedSTATUS UAE have large marginal areas. and nervous system. In addi- to change its legislation soon.A new advanced genomicThis enables the UAE to play tion, other types of GABASanatech Seed has previouslyresearch facility was inaugu- an important role in helping have been increased that spe- said it is closely following UKrated at the headquarters ofto meet the United Nations cifically lower blood pressure.regulations. the International Center forSustainable Development The product is sold online bySource: Tomato News Biosaline Agriculture (ICBA)Goals, in particular SDG 2Pioneer EcoScience Co., whichto further genomic researchzero hunger by 2030.established Sanatech in 2018.on, among other things,The establishment of the According to media, the priceSTATUS LATINhealthier, more nutritious, andDLSL is a result of strategic of the worlds first geneticallyAMERICA resilient crops for sustainablecollaboration between ICBA modified tomato has beenNew research from thefood systems. and BGI and is in line with their fixed at USD68 per kg. University of Illinois and theAs a joint venture betweenshared objective of address-Named Sicilian Rouge HighLatin American Fund forICBA and BGI, the worlds larg- ing global challenges such as GABA, the genome-editedIrrigated Rice (FLAR) allowsest genomic research institu- hunger and poverty through tomato is grown in green- Latin American rice breederstion, the Desert Life Scienceuse of cutting-edge science houses by a contracted farmerto select regionally relevantLaboratory (DLSL) will help toand technology.in Kumamoto Prefecture. eating-quality traits from thefast-track the discovery andSource: ICBASW138/ SEEDWORLD.COMDECEMBER 2021'