b'S T R A T E G Yor right things to say. You justWorld Group provides salesSelfcare and Stress-Relief about mental health is per-need to be there for someone. training for organizations,The first place to start sup- haps the most important I can offer support, butwhich now includes training toporting the mental health ofstep toward mitigating the when someone is in crisis, Iteach seed sales reps how tothose in the agricultural indus- pressures of the agricultural have to transition from offer- check in on mental health as atry? Yourself. industry. ing them support, to figuringservice to their clients.While self care mayWe have to educate our-out how to get them profes- This is a massive boots- evoke images of candles,selves. I embarrassingly didnt sional help, he says. So,on-the-ground force thatyoga and bubble baths,know enough about mental knowing those resources andimpacts and connects withsimple breathing exercises arehealth. And I dont want understanding how to get inproducers on an ongoing anda much more practical andanyone to have to learn about touch with them can be one ofconstant basis, and now theyeffective suggestion for busymental health, the way that I the greatest tools in your toolare equipped with tools to beag workers. They can be donelearned about mental health, belt to have a hard conversa- able to do some of this withinin a tractor, at a desk, or driv- says Brook.tion like that. our industry, Brook says.ing down the highway. AndWe have to know what Brook keeps a card in hisWith intention, engagingnow is the time to learn.works for us and what doesnt wallet with information andemployees and even When were in the middlework for us, DeSutter says. phone numbers on it, some- customers in mental healthof crisis, were in that heavyA lot of times, we want to tell thing hes used many times,conversations can become anstress. Thats not the time topeople what to do. Things like but he understands that theintegral part of an organiza- consider learning new stressyou need therapy, you need best way to help is to preventtions culture. management techniques,to get on medication, or you someone from reaching thatFor Seed World Group,DeSutter says. We need to beneed to look on the bright crisis point by keeping thosethat looked like hiring a chiefproactive and practice thoseside. check-in conversations amorale officer, or in otherthings ahead of time. But, nobody likes to be told priority. words, the corporate mom. DeSutter also suggestswhat to do, she says. One of She doesnt have an oper- those in the agricultural indus- the biggest things we can do Consider Companyational responsibility. She hastry begin with the basics.to support people, again, is Changesa mental health and wellnessScience does tell us thatgoing back to listening and Companies that want toresponsibility. So that I know Iwe need sleep, we need toempathy. SWinvest even more in have someone thats thinkingeat, we need to move and supporting mental healthabout that all the time, Brookget our blood flowing. Those can take a few specific steps,says.are all just very basic needs starting with providingDeSutter says prioritizingthat we need to have that can expanded insurance coveragemental health support in thesekeep our stress underway. So, or resources for their employ- ways sends a powerful mes- we have to get creative and ees. They can also providesage.figure out how can we fit that specific training programs toWhen you have big com- into our life, she says.ON THE WEBWHERE equip their teams. panies that are willing to say,Brook says taking time off Were seeing companiesThis is important, and it mightis also crucial. participate in funding projectsbe awkward, but were goingOne thing that I haveWant to learn more ways to chat about and events at a higher levelto do it because we carelearned about myself is that Imental health in the workplace and with your customers? Make sure to check out our Strategy than I think anyone could haveabout you and your families;dont realize Im stressed outWebinar on the subject at seedworld.com/ever imagined, Brook says.that has created a really awe- until I get relaxed, he says.hows-your-mental-health-a-seed-world-He mentions that Seedsome dynamic, she says.Taking the time to learnstrategy-webinar-podcast.ENDORSED BY 132/ SEEDWORLD.COMDECEMBER 2021'