b'BUILDING THE The next phase of the Seed Synergy collaboration consists NEXT-GENERATIONof four core projects, a major one being designing a next-generation seed organization SEED ORGANIZATION for the country. Marc ZienkiewiczWHAT ARE WE DOING?Why a new organization? We know that having five RE-ORGANIZING THE SEEDorganizations plus CropLife Canadamany of the INDUSTRY IN CANADA TOsame members, each having their own processes and ADDRESS THE CHALLENGESresponsibilitiesis not efficient. A single consolidated FACING OUR ASSOCIATIONSseed organization would lead the sector into the future AND OUR MEMBERS. THISto everyones benefit. Its not just about saving money on INCLUDES THE CONCEPT OFoperations but saving time and offering better services SEED SYNERGY OR SEEDSand doing more as a harmonized group.CANADA AS IT IS SOMETIMES REFERRED TO.Claude Lapointe Seed Synergy Oversight Committee Member Canadian Seed InstituteWHATS THE PRIMARY We want the new organization to have transparency, FOCUS? ENHANCING regional representation, competency and accountability DELIVERY OF SEED-BASEDso that we are doing what we need to do for all stakehold-SERVICES TO FOUR PRIMARYers. How do we design the new board of directors so we AUDIENCES: PRODUCERS, have people who are from all regions? How do we struc-THE AGRI-FOOD SECTOR, ture it so we get this right? How do we ensure provincial THE SEED INDUSTRY AND ITSmembers are connected to the national organization? Its MEMBERS, AND CONSUMERS. important we have everyone around the table and that the new organization represents todays seed industry.Morgan Webb Seed Synergy Oversight Committee Member Commercial Seed Analysts Association of CanadaTHERE IS AGREEMENT THATWe do knock heads. If you think its a big cozy family sing-THE BOARD OF A NATIONALing Kumbaya, thats not how it works. But we work through SEED ORGANIZATION NEEDSthat and communicate to one another as we build thisTO BE REPRESENTATIVE INnew organization.TERMS OF THE REGIONS OF CANADAAND IT NEEDS TOJonathan Nyborg INCLUDE REPRESENTATIONSeed Synergy Oversight Committee Member OF THE KEY FUNCTIONS OF ACanadian Seed Growers AssociationNEW NATIONAL SEED ORGANI-ZATION. THE QUESTION IS HOW BEST TO ACHIEVE THIS.SEPTEMBER 2019GERMINATION.CA 7'