b'FROM THE FEEDSeptember 2019 - Vol. 24, No. 4The magazine of the Canadian seed industryPUBLISHED BY PUBLISHERIssues Ink Shawn Brook, sbrook@issuesink.com6327435 Canada Ltd.403-313 Pacific Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3A 0M2 MANAGING EDITORPhone: (204) 453-1965, Fax: (204) 475-5247 Michelle Clarke, mclarke@issuesink.comemail: issues@issuesink.com Germination.ca EDITOR International Seed Testing Association Marc Zienkiewicz, mzienkiewicz@issuesink.com @ISTAseedtesting Listening to CONTRIBUTORSAlex Martin ASSOCIATE EDITORS @GerminationMag insightful interview Marcel Bruins, mbruins@issuesink.com with Penny Maplestone of @PVR _ org SUBSCRIPTIONS Julie Deering, jdeering@issuesink.com about how plant breeders can prepare for Canada $47.25/year including GST|Foreign $95/year Kari Belanger, kbelanger@issuesink.com Britains exit from the EU: http://ow.ly/3m4r30ply30Germination makes no expressed or implied warranties ofADVERTISING/SALESmerchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or otherwise,Craig Armstrong, carmstrong@issuesink.comconcerning the use of any product and assumes no liability forDean French, dfrench@issuesink.comany injury or damage, direct or consequential, incurred fromSam Mostafa, smostafa@issuesink.comthe use of such products or services therein. Federal, Provincial and Municipal laws and regulations supersede the informationMARKETINGcontained herein. Theresa Ramsoomair, tkurjewicz@issuesink.comAndres Jaramillo, ajaramillo@issuesink.comPublications Mail Agreement No. 40030841. Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: CREATIVEIssues Ink Lesley Nakonechny, lnakonechny@issuesink.com Canadian Seed Trade Association 403-313 Pacific Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3A 0M2 Kyle Dratowany, kdratowany@issuesink.com @SeedInnovation On September 10, Theresa Ramsoomair, tkurjewicz@issuesink.com @GerminationMag will host a webinar PRINTED IN CANADA on the topic of Seed Synergy. Check out CIRCULATION the link for more information and register Please recycle where facilities exist. Dean French, dfrench@issuesink.com today! http://ow.ly/oh0D30pl8rBNo part of this magazine may be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher. ASA @ASASemilleros The Seed Chain GERMINATION.CA in the Americas: Looking Toward a New GERMINATIONMAG |@GERMINATIONMAGMeeting. Date: Sept 10-12. Where? GERMINATION Buenos Aires! http://ow.ly/HLfq30plNDWRETRACTIONIn the March print issue of Germination we ran a story called Canadian PBR is a Model for the World.The story contained an infographic with some mistakes that we would like to point out and apologize for.Firstly, the infographicwhich was meant to show the countries in Latin America that have ratified or acceded to UPOV 78/91neglected to show that both Chile and Uruguay are UPOV members.In addition, the country of Bolivia should have been listed with its full nameBolivia (Plurinational State of).Furthermore, the infographic stated that the information came from UPOV. In fact, the information was compiled by Germination and the oversights were our fault, not UPOVs.The correct information is now available at the following URLs: https://germination.ca/canadian-pbr-is-a-model-for-the-world/ https://germination.ca/flipbook_march2019/?page=32Again, we humbly apologize to UPOV and its member countries Chile, Uruguay and the Plurinational State of Bolivia for the mistakes.germination.ca2GERMINATION.CA SEPTEMBER 2019'