b"WORLD STATUSWest Africa works to bolster its rice-based systems, while the United States issues its findings over GE wheat plants found in Washington.CTE D'IVOIRE Agricultures Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service THE AFRICA RICE CENTER (AfricaRice), in close collabora- (APHIS) announced that it was investigating a detection tion with national partners, has launched a high-potentialof genetically engineered (GE) wheat in an unplanted project in which research will be put into effective use toagricultural field in Washington state. The GE wheat improve the livelihoods of smallholder farmers in Africaplants in question were resistant to the herbicide glypho-by promoting a range of sustainable intensification andsate. After a thorough fact-finding effort, APHIS has diversification innovations for rice-based systems, whiledetermined through testing that the GE wheat plants in reducing their environmental footprint. question were developed by Monsanto (now owned by The project titled Sustainable and Diversified Rice- Bayer) and referred to as MON 71300 and MON 71800.based Farming Systems is conducted under the PuttingThere is no evidence that any GE wheat has entered Research into Use for Nutrition, Sustainable Agriculturecommerce or is in the food supply, APHIS said. and Resilience (PRUNSAR) program co-funded by theThe Food and Drug Administration (FDA) completed a European Union (EU) and the International Fund forvoluntary food and feed safety evaluation on MON 71800 Agricultural Development (IFAD).several years ago, concluding it was as safe as non-GE About 27 participants attended the project launch atwheat currently on the market. the AfricaRice research station at Mb, Cte dIvoire.With respect to MON 71300, FDA states it would have Project partners actively participated in in-depthno safety concerns in the unlikely event that low levels of discussions following the presentations and developedMON 71300 wheat or MON 71800 wheat were present in country plans, including scaling mechanisms.the food supply. Additionally, APHIS is announcing that Source: CGIAR a test kit will be available for trading partners to detect MON 71300. There is no GE wheat for sale or in commer-UNITED STATES cial production in the United States at this time, APHIS ON JUNE 7, 2019, the United States Department ofadded. Purchase Order ProcessingGrower IntegrationContractsSales Order Laboratory/QA ProcessingShippingSeedProcessingSeed Mixing Inventory Speak to a specialist.UK 44(0) 1257 279 811US +1 800 366 2474within your seed production and processing business Email primeticsseed@culturatech.comVisit primeticsseed.com44GERMINATION.CA SEPTEMBER 2019"