b'SEED TREATMENTTHE TOP 3 QUESTIONS I GET AS A SEEDGROWTH SPECIALISTBrittnye Kroeker,SeedGrowth Specialist, Bayer Canadabrittnye.kroeker@bayer.combayer.caIF YOURE AN Internet user, as most of us now are, youreget adequate coverage for a very specific reason).familiar with the concept of a FAQ (Frequently Asked2. Can I treat in the fall/use leftover treated seed? Questions): that is, a list of questions and answers relat- The short answer is yes. Most actives applied to the seed ing to a particular subject, especially one giving basicare technically good for 12 months. Seed treated in the information for users of a website, according to Google. fall can be used the following spring. But theres a big As a Bayer SeedGrowth specialist, I have a little FAQcaveat on that: storage conditions must be right. Too much of my own, and I wanted to share it here to hopefullyhumidity or moisture in the bin and your seed may not be help agronomists, producers, and retailers who might getviable once spring arrives regardless of the treatment.the same questions posed to them. These questions refer3. The soil is warmdo I still need a seed treat-to Bayer seed treatment products specifically and I wouldment? Theres a big myth out there that only seed going encourage you to reach out to your regional SeedGrowthinto cold soil needs to be treated. This stems from an specialist for a more in-depth conversation. old belief that seed treatments helped plants to come out 1. Do I need to add water to a seed treatment? This isof the ground. This simply isnt the case. Really, a seed probably the most often-asked question I get. One reasontreatment is protecting the seed from disease and in some stems from the difference in product by crop: there arecases insects. Even under warm and dry soil conditions, different recommendations for the amount of water need- youll still see the benefit of a seed treatment. Pathogens ing to be added if its in fact a concentrate youre dealingthrive in all kinds of soil conditions including warm soils, with, to ensure you get the best coverage based on whatand if you dont have a treatment applied, youre not pro-crop youre treating and what additional products you aretecting a crop against those pathogens.adding in (Im speaking mainly to pulses). If its a cerealIf you have a question for me, dont hesitate to reach crop and Raxil is being used, there is usually NO need toout to me! Im happy to talk seed treatments at any time add water (except in rare cases where someone cannotwith my readership.SEED HEALTH & TESTINGONE CRUCIAL FEATURE OF AN ISTA-ACCREDITED LAB STORAGE & HANDLINGTHE FINAL STEP TO SEED SITE SUCCESSGerald Unrau,Product Manager for Seed Sites and Conveyors, Meridian ManufacturingSarah Foster,President and Senior Seed Analyst gunrau@meridianmfg.commeridianmfg.comsarah@2020seedlabs.ca2020seedlabs.caIN MY PREVIOUS COLUMNS, Ive outlined three of the fourmove easily in the plant.stagesthe conceptualization, design and engineering,Profitability is also a reflection of the success of the and manufacturing phasesto updating or buildingfirst three stages. Profitability is achieved with through-a new seed site. The final phase includes the delivery,put volume, operational efficiency and seed storage and set-up and, most notably, the enjoyment of your site. Yourhandling integrity. If your site is planned and executed satisfaction with your seed plant is a result of successfullycorrectly, you can maximize the number of customers you completing the first three stages. put through your facility and your profits will be higher.Shortcuts taken during these stages will greatly affectIf youre constantly fighting with the system youve whether the finished facility is enjoyable or regrettable.put in, its going to make for very long, frustrating days. Taking shortcuts may make it difficult for producers to doHowever, if you have the right design, the right equip-business with you because your ability to provide themment and the right site, its going to make your business with quality product in a timely manner will be affected. much more profitable. Your investment reflects how you For example, downtime or backlogs due to broken orview your business.inefficient equipment, ineffective flow within the seed plantSeed is an important input for farmers. They want or yard, and cracked or damaged seeds will cost you sales. to know the seed they require is stored, handled and The proper planning, design, engineering and manu- treated in the best manner possible. If youve spent the facturing will allow you to generate high-quality seedtime necessary for working through the first three phases while providing an efficient, customer-friendly experienceof building a new seed site the fourth stage will seem for producers. Flow is critical: customers must be ableeffortless, and youll meet or exceed all of your customers to move efficiently in and out of the yard and seed mustexpectations.SEPTEMBER 2019GERMINATION.CA 27'