b"PREVENTIVEGROUP13What are the main challenges you have hadand how can they avoid that in order to ensure in working with government and getting yourthey are taken seriously?point across to them? One of the common mistakes I see is Really, the main challenge is getting theirpeople going into the conversation with attention. Whether its intellectual propertythe attitude of You, Mr. Politician, have to Scott Horner protection and support for plant breed- listen to me and youre obligated to solve General Manager, HyTeching through royalty collection that helpsmy problem because thats your job. No Production Canada meet its productivity goals, orone likes a finger pointed in their face. If Coaldale, Alta. modernization of regulatory systems thatthis is your approach, you need to take a Scott holds a bachelor ofhelp reduce cost, increase investmentstep back and understand the degree to Scott holds a bachelor of science in agriculture from the science in agriculture from theand support innovation, getting the timewhich politicians are pulled in many dif-University of SaskatchewanUniversity of Saskatchewanand attention to properly demonstrate theferent directions. When you get a meeting, and is a recognizedand is a recognizedsignificance of our ask and the mutualtime is limited, and its important to get professional agrologist. He professional agrologist. Hebenefit of the initiative we are advocatingtheir attention and work to hold it. Youre is an active leader, currently is an active leader, currentlyfor can be challenging. there to build a relationship. Provide a serving as the president of serving as the president ofpersonal story they can relate to. Ask them the Seed Association of the the Seed Association of theWhen dealing with government/politicians,questions about their priorities and then Americas and a director on the Americas and a director on thewhat are some big successes you've beenbuild a link to yours. Treat them the way National Board of the Canadian National Board of the Canadianinvolved in and what do you attribute thoseyoud want to be treated. ,Seed GrowersAssociation. Seed Growers Association.successes to? Can you cite some examples?He served as Canadian Seed He served as Canadian SeedOne of the greatest successes I wasDo you feel it's getting easier or harder for Trade Association president in Trade Association president ininvolved in was Canadas ratification ofpeople to communicate with government and 2015/2016. 2015/2016.UPOV 91 in 2015. I was fortunate to workwhy?at CSTA with people like Patty TownsendEasier to communicate, but harder to influ-who had a history of working with gov- ence. Easier to communicate through social ernment, so she already had solid relation- media, but harder to influence because ships established. Patty had a strong beliefthere is more noise, more individuals and in the value of building relationships and aassociations lobbying through social media great commitment to engaging with stake- and traditional platforms. It seems theres holders to ensure understanding and align- been a proliferation of people clutter-ment, and she had an extreme persistenceing the system, engaging in contradictory in pursuing goals from different angles.dialog and generally competing for limited These characteristics were really importanttime, attention and resources.when it came time to organize industry and grower groups into the formal bodyYou engage on Twitterwhat are someWhen you have cleavers, known as Partners in Innovation. With thestrategies you use to ensure you have good, coordinated voice of this industry collabo- productive conversations on what can ration and the solid political relationshipssometimes be a thorny communicationsthats all you can see.that had been cultivated over years, weplatform?were able to effectively counter oppositionI keep Twitter messages simple and suc-to UPOV 91 and gain the political supportcinct and always write from a positive needed to ratify. Youre now seeing thisperspective. I always try to provide linksSomeone driving by your farm might see a nice canola crop. model and attitude of cooperation beingto factual information and I tag subjectTo you, its all cleavers and headaches. Take your farm back. used to help achieve regulatory moderni- matter experts who are better able to carryCommand 360 ME herbicide, applied pre-seed with or without zation through the efforts of Seed Synergy. the ball if a debate breaks out. glyphosate, is game-over for cleavers. Its powerful Group 13 What are some common mistakes you seeaction delivers extended control ofushing cleavers - to keep To view our full-length webinar on this very people in the seed business make at electiontopic, visit germination.ca/category/retail- your canolaelds clean right from the start.time or in dealing with government generallyroundtable/CANOLASUPPORTED BY: ENDORSED BY:Save up to $5.50/acre with FMC Grower CashBack.Always read and follow label directions. Member of CropLife Canada.@FMCAgCanadaFMC and Command are trademarks or service marks of FMC Corporation and/or an aliate. 2019 FMC Corporation. All rights reserved. 63291-11/18 FMCcrop.caI1-833-362-772230GERMINATION.CA SEPTEMBER 201963291_Command_GerminationMag.indd 1 2019-07-19 1:14 PM"