b'in Canadian seed, Hyra adds. Putting Out the CallThe Canadian Plant Breeding and Genetics Award isCPBI is officially calling for applications and nominations co-sponsored by the Canadian Seed Trade Associationfor all three categories of awards. and Germination and is presented to a publicScholarship applicants at the University of or private sector researcher who hasGuelph, University of Manitoba, University of made a significant contribution to theSaskatchewan and University of Alberta plant advancement of Canadian plant agri- breeding programs can get an application culture through research in plantfrom their respective university and visit breeding and genetics. Individualsgermination.ca/innovation-scholarship/ are nominated by their peers andfor more details. Application deadline is are selected by the CSTA Board ofOct. 31, 2019.Directors. Seed of the Year criteria and applica-Liz Lumsden, communicationstions can be downloaded at and members services managergermination.ca/seed-of-the-year. for the CSTA, says bringing theApplication deadline is Oct. 31, 2019.award under the same umbrella withInformation on the Canadian Plant Seed of the Year will only help raiseBreeding & Genetics Award is available at its profile in recognizing Canadian plantseedinnovation.ca/csta-awards/. breeders.We look forward to our 2020 annual meeting when well announce our next Seed of the Year winner as part of the CPBI awards, Lumsden says.Visit germination.ca/cpbi-awards/ for more info!SEPTEMBER 2019GERMINATION.CA 15'