b'ON LOCATION: CSGA/CSTA ANNUAL MEETINGSEEDIF THE PAST THREE YEARSof the Seed Synergy Collaboration project were Part 1 of an adventure in forging a new future for our industry, you might say the sequel has just begun.SYNERGY:At the joint annual meeting of the Canadian Seed Growers Association and Canadian Seed Trade Association held in Whistler, B.C. in July, the Seed Synergy Partners came together to announce the official beginning of Seed Synergys next stage and four core pro-THE NEXTjectsa big one being building a single national seed organization.Coming on board for the next stage of the project is the Ontario-based StrategyCorp, which will conduct addi-tional member, stakeholder and government engagement.PHASE What follows is a brief recap of the projects first phase and a snapshot of its crucial next phase with some insights from members of the Seed Synergy Oversight Committee, which is overseeing the design of a new national seed organization for all of Canada.Members of Canadas seed sector cameHow Did we Get Here?Desire to make members businesses more successful. together over the summer to talk aboutTrusted and respected seed regulatory systems in need the next steps in designing Canadas of change.The need to sustainably feed a growing population next-generation seed system.while continuing to deliver a safe, secure, diverse and sustainable supply of food, fuel, fibre and turf. Compiled by Marc Zienkiewicz from Seed Synergy documentationA desire to make Canadas agriculture sector, and spe-cifically seed, more competitive in the global ag economy.Seed Synergy by the Numbers2015 5 associations3,500+considering merging to better supportASSOCIATIONWAS THE OFFICIALSTART OF THE SEED members MEMBERS SYNERGY DISCUSSIONS IMPACTED6 MEMBERS OF THE4 DRAFTS OF THE SEED SYNERGY SEED SYNERGYWHITE PAPER RELEASED IN NOVEMBER 2018PROJECT WITH COMMON GOALS ONE NATIONAL SEED ASSOCIATION ENVISIONEDTO SPEAK ON BEHALF OF CANADAS SEED SECTOR6GERMINATION.CA SEPTEMBER 2019'