b'ON LOCATION: CSGA/CSTA ANNUAL MEETINGSEEING WHEN PUBLIC CONSULTATIONSon value creation began in 2018, producers and seed growers had a lot to decide on. Which of the two models introduced would best generate funding for plant breeders while ensuring seed growers the VALUEand farmers were happy with the model selected?The first option, of course, is an end-point royaltywhere a royalty would be collected at the elevator upon grain delivery and be given to the breeder of the variety.The second proposed option is a trailing royalty, in an SVUA where the producer would sign a Seed Variety Use Agreement (SVUA) upon buying a new variety of seed that has an SVUA attached to itenabling the breeder of that variety to collect the royalty each and every year that seed was saved and planted.As discussions about value creation continue, some Seed growers and producers are looking athigh-profile members of the seed and agriculture industries are rallying around the trailing royalty (SVUA) option as the options for value creation and throwing theirmodel to go with to ensure plant breeders have a healthy stream of revenue to create new varieties of cereals.support behind the trailing royalty option. We need breeders to continue to invest in Canada and Marc Zienkiewicz breed new and better varieties. If we keep the status quo, they will fall further and further behind the rest of the world. The sooner farmers understand that, I think we can move ahead with the trailing royalty model, says Gunter Jochum, a Manitoba farmer and seed grower, who spoke as part of a panel on value creation at the annual meeting of the CSGA and CSTA in Whistler, B.C., in July. Hes also pres-ident of the Western Canadian Wheat Growers Association.FOR SOME TIME, A LOT OF PEOPLE DIDNT HAVE THEIR EYES ON THE PRIZE, ON WHAT THE DESIRED OUTCOME WAS. Laurie WakefieldJochum sees the trailing royalty/SVUA model as the best way to ensure producers have access to cutting-edge new varieties, but he didnt arrive at that opinion over-night. Like many farmers, he has had a lot of learning to do about value creation in a short time.I got involved with the Western Canadian Wheat Growers Association and attended a Grains Roundtable meeting in 2017, and thats the first time I found out about seed value creation to fund breeding of cereals in Canada. 4GERMINATION.CA SEPTEMBER 2019'