b'analytical purity, other seed determination, germina- give their time for free. tion and tetrazolium; and the second being the OttawaNot surprisingly, since Canada was a founding member Plant Laboratory, Fallowfield, who are accredited for seedof ISTA in 1924, over the years many Canadians have diseases and who also have expertise in varietal and DNAworked with ISTA. Recent Rules changes that have helped testing methods.the Canadian seed industry are, for example: standard-There are also two private independent ISTA- ized vigour test methods, DNA-based varietal test meth-accredited laboratories: 20/20 Seed Labs Inc. and SGSods, adding new species to the testing rules like Brassica BioVision, plus non-accredited member laboratories likecarinata and discussions on the use of soil-less media as Seed Check Technologies Inc. and the Canadian Graina primary substrate for germination testing.Commission. If there are other areas I can help facilitate things for Canada has hosted ISTA workshops in the past to helpwhen it comes to seed testing in Canada, please let me spread the knowledge on quality assurance, sampling,know. Thanks go to the Saskatoon Laboratory director, purity and germination testing. Workshops can also beMarc Sabourin, and SSTS head Janine Maruschak for sup-held in Canada in the future. ISTA workshops are excel- porting my work in ISTA.lent value and the expert lecturers from ISTA committeesEmail me at stevek.jones@canada.ca Lets make it 100%Every jug counts!In 2019, recycle every jug.Canadian farmers recycle 65% of ag-plastic jugs. Tocelebrate the 30 thanniversary of collection, this year were going for 100%. Every jug counts. Pleasehelp by recycling all your ag-plastic jugs.To find a collection location near you, or learn about other programs, click on Programs at Cleanfarms.cainfo@cleanfarms.ca @cleanfarms.caSEPTEMBER 2019GERMINATION.CA 13'