b"Here, experts from across the industry will discuss issues that are top-of-mind, share technical advancements, talk about tips for success and provide perspective on policy. SEED TREATMENT EQUIPMENTTHERE ARE NO LIMITS IN MOBILE TREATMENTKetty Nilsson,President, NoroGardketty@norogard.com@NoroGardABnorogard.comHOW CAN I HELP YOU?I turn around and find the shop assistant looking at me with a forced smile.Im just browsing, thanks, I reply. After a quick look around, I leave the shop. She wont be getting any business from me today.After 30 years in sales, I can spot a bad salesperson from miles away. Its not the customers task to tell me how I can help them. Thats my job. They most likely already have a decent product and supplier they are happy with. It's my job to find out how I can add value or eliminate some of their process issuesand also how I can boost their ROI.The NoroGard team. A lot of the advancements in mobile treatment equipment have originated Representing a global companyfrom the needs of mobile seed treatment worldwide, in conditions that are extreme and tough, says forces me to be flexible and under- president Ketty Nilsson.stand challenges that clients face. A lot of the advancements in ourand technicians need to be very flex- Association in order to make their equipment have originated fromible with customizations that mightmobile units competitive in terms of the needs of mobile seed treatmentbe necessary due to design of thequality application and provide the worldwide, in conditions that aretruck and accommodating the opera- ability to show the client how much extreme and tough.tor, chemical supply and seed outlettreatment was applied to the seed.All mobile truck builders havefor packaging/loading. AssemblingIn Scandinavia/Finland we have issues in common, and footprint isthe equipment on demand also keepsexperienced challenges with extreme one. When you build a mobile truckcustomizations to a low costor noweather conditionsspecifically, there is always a lack of space, andcost at all.treatment application in cold tem-over the years our designers haveOur largest market is Australia,peratures. Finding solutions for how found new ways of making ourwhere we have been supplying seedto keep the liquids intact despite equipment even more compact, with- treaters for mobile trucks for morefreezing temperatures, and ensure out compromising high capacity than 25 years. We must provide highthat the liquid applies to the seed up to 45 tph. Compact design is alsocapacity with high reliability, sinceand makes for smooth equipment a benefit when it comes to cleaningthere is no room for downtime;operation, is ideal.with less water and low downtime. proper screens due to strong sun- Knowledge of mobile seed treat-The power supply must be consid- light; and mobile internet connec- ing around the globe is valuable for ered, too. We make sure our equip- tions. Having the ability to connectall our clients, even for stationary ment can manage on a low and evento the equipment and troubleshootseed plants. In my next column I power supply, with a stable and reli- keeps costs down.will talk specifically about how this able PLC system that can handle theIn Europe we work closelyknow-how can be useful in Canada. tough environment. Our designerswith the European Mobile SeedStay tuned! 24GERMINATION.CA SEPTEMBER 2019"