b'The Headlines Business | People | Policy | Product | ResearchSubmissions welcome: news@issuesink.comBUSINESS do not permit the inspector to complete six counts. BASF TO ELIMINATE 6,000 POSITIONS IN GLOBAL RESTRUCTURING Growers will now have the choice to either remove the With an organizational realignment, BASF is streamlin- wild oats plants in the field or clean the wild oats from ing its administration, sharpening the roles of servicesthe seed (or some combination) for their seed to meet and regions and simplifying procedures and processes, itgrade. High levels in the field will not necessarily mean said in a news release. As a result, the company expectsthat the seed wont be eligible for final certification. If you savings of over CDN$400 million, as part of the ongoinghave any questions related to the new standard, contact excellence program, which is anticipated to contributethe CSGA office.almost CDN$3 billion to earnings annually from the end of 2021 onwards. BASF expects a reduction of a total ofPRODUCTaround 6,000 positions worldwide until the end of 2021. CANTERRA SEEDS LAUNCHES FIRST TWO LCRC VARIETIES FOR 2020POLICY Canterra Seeds announced the first wheat varieties to SEED CROPS WILL NO LONGER BE DEMOTED FOR THE PRESENCE OFcome from Limagrain Cereals Research Canada (LCRC) WILD OATSCS Daybreak and CS Accelerate, available for 2020. CS The Canadian Seed Growers Association has recentlyDaybreak is a Canada Western Red Spring (CWRS) wheat undertaken a review of the standard for wild oats inthats described as high yielding with excellent disease pedigreed oat seed crops as part of the Circular 6 mod- protection and great physical and functional quality. CS ernization project which was identified as a priority inAccelerate is a CWRS wheat thats high yielding in a short the Strategic Plan. Seed crops will no longer be demotedstrong straw package, combined with excellent rust resist-for the presence of wild oats and will only be declinedance. Limagrian Cereals Research Canada is a joint ven-if the overall field rating is very weedy where the wildture between Frances Limagrain and Canterra Seeds. oats (or any other weed or crop) cover the seed crop and Nexeed IncEquipment solutions for Canadian grain & seed processors.Your Local Cimbria Dealer. Equipment sales, color sorters, spare parts, training, or plant design contact Nexeed to learn more.204 982 3531 NEXEED.CA46GERMINATION.CA SEPTEMBER 2019'