b'Annette GibbonsON LOCATION: CSGA/CSTA ANNUAL MEETINGANNETTE GIBBONS WANTSUS TO WORK TOGETHERAnnette Gibbons is associate deputy minister for Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. We caught up with her to talk regulatory modernization, Seed Synergy and more.Germination: Why do you do what you do? What doSynergy Collaboration Project. This project aims to create you love most about it? a next-generation seed regulatory system for the country. What are your thoughts on this project so far? The White AG: I would have to say that the thing I love most aboutPaper was released last yearwhat were your impressions?my job is the people and the opportunities Ive had to travel around the country and meet with some reallyAG: It is interesting the way the industry has stepped exceptional public servants over the years.forward to collaborate and re-think the structure and function of the current seed system. The White Paper Germination: Since fall of 2018 you have been assistantis the culmination of a great deal of work by Seed deputy minister with AAFC. Whats been the most sig- Synergys members to advance a vision of Canadas nificant thing youve learned about Canadian agriculturenext-generation seed system. Government is committed during that time? to continuous improvement through our regulatory modernization efforts and through policies and programs. AG: Theres really a sense of excitement about howAs we progress with current initiatives related to the seed technology is enabling farmers and food processors tosystem, it is beneficial to have a clear sense of industry put healthy and safe food on dinner tables here in ourpriorities.own country and around the world. And that certainly rings true for the seed industry here in Canada, whichGermination: Regulatory modernization is now sched-is helping drive a lot of these surges in efficiency anduled for 2021, when the Seeds Act will be opened for productivity that were seeing right across the sector. amendments to be made. What is government looking for from the seed industry between now and then?Germination: Why are you attending the CSTA/CSGA meetings in Whistler this year? What do you hope toAG:At this stage, it would be beneficial for government communicate to attendees? and industry to work together. We welcome further discussion with Seed Synergy members and other AG: The Annual General Meeting hosted by theimplicated stakeholders to determine important details Canadian Seed Trade Association and the Canadian Seedthat can potentially become part of proposals for the Growers Association is an important opportunity forCFIA to take forward for broad stakeholder consultation us to continue an open dialogue with farmers and foodon Seed Regulatory Modernization.processors across Canada.There are important recent developments to discuss.Germination: What is AAFCs biggest challenge that the For example, the Economic Strategy Tables have recom- seed industry can help you with?mended a number of actions to support sector growth, which government supports. These include: AG:Seed is the first link in the agri-food value chain andDeveloping an agile regulatory system; is very important to the agriculture sector, contributingAddressing bottlenecks in infrastructure; billions of dollars and providing thousands of jobs. Engaging with key export markets through a strate- It is important that the sector seizes this opportunity gic approach; to modernize regulations and policies, supporting an New investments in technology and digital transfor- efficient and effective seed system moving into the future.mations, such as the use of blockchain technology; Increased training and attention to labour issues; Editors Note: Interview conducted just prior to theAnd of course, increasing trade in agri-food. joint annual meeting of the Canadian Seed Growers Association and Canadian Seed Trade Association in Germination: Our industry is currently undergoing seedWhistler, B.C., in July.regulatory modernization via an initiative called the Seed 8GERMINATION.CA SEPTEMBER 2019'