b'CSGA / SEEDGROWERS.CA / LOOKING AHEAD TO A NEW SEED ORGBEING PRESIDENT IS LIKE GOING BACK TO SCHOOLTHERES AN OLD saying about high school that you donting firm, Strategy Corp Inc., to try know how fast it goes until its over. Being presidentand get an idea of what the structure of the Canadian Seed Growers Association is much theof a new seed organization would same. I just finished my first year of a two-year term and Ilook like. We will be listening to our can tell you, its gone by in a flash. membership and getting an idea of And much like high school, Ive learned a lot. The les- what they think a new seed organi-sons werent always fun or easy, but theyve made me azation would look like. This process better person and a better member of the seed industry. has given me a completely different Ive become more patient. Being heavily involved inoutlook, as it has many of us, and the Seed Synergy Collaboration Project has taught methis next stage will help us all move the value of taking a deep breath and trusting that thingsahead with a clear mind and a posi-Jonathan Nyborgwill work out. That means trusting people and seeing thetive outlook. A new seed organization CSGA President leadership potential in everyone. We all need to continueis something to look forward to, not to be leaders in the Seed Synergy processour goal issomething to be apprehensive about. to create a strong, competitive and innovative nationalEven for me, thats a big realization.seed organization, which could mean seeing our five ded- Its put me more in tune with icated seed associations come together under one roof.my members. If theres one thing I hope my members know, its that Im all about listening to them and taking their concerns forward. As I enter this next and final year of my presidency, I want to continue to hear THIS NEW SYSTEM WERE BUILDING IS NOT FORfrom them, and I dont mean just the issues that need more work. I want OUR GENERATION, BUT FOR OUR CHILDREN, OURto hear about the things we are doing rightthis next phase of the Seed GRANDCHILDREN AND BEYOND. Synergy project requires everyone to be honest and speak their mindsbut with an understanding that we need to build for the future. This new system were build-ing is not for our generation, but That means continuing to ask tough questions aboutfor our children, our grandchildren who we are, what we do and how we do it.As weand beyond. Thats perhaps the change as an organizationas policies, standards andmost important lesson of all. My procedures are modernizedwe need to ensure thatindustry colleague Todd Hyra, past-we proceed carefully, recognizing the diversity of voicespresident of the Canadian Seed Trade that we represent. Thats not easy. It requires us all to beAssociation, has a great analogy humble and check our egos at the door as we continue toabout this which you can read about work collectively. in this very issue.Its made me even more open to change. The SeedQuestions? Concerns? Just want to Synergy project is moving into a new phase. Now that thechat? Email me anytime at jnyborg@White Paper is finished, weve welcomed a new consult- seedgrowers.ca! 32GERMINATION.CA SEPTEMBER 2019'