b'SEED CONDITIONINGSIZE MATTERS: PRECISION AND ACCURACYSasikumar (Kumar) Devarajan,Manufacturing Engineering ManagerKumar.Devarajan@olivermanufacturing.comolivermanufacturing.comJUST AS FARMERS look to deploy precision planting prac- ness measurements is close to the true value. Its about tices in the spring, seed companies expect precisionprecision and accuracy.during the sorting and sizing process that happens post- Most companies are able to precision size seed, but the harvest. Precision during the seed sizing process plays aaverage seed size is not accurate enough to hit the true vital role in agriculture, as research has shown that thevalue of seed thickness or width. For truly proper sizing, germination rate is better for flat kernels compared to thatwe need both accurate and precise grading cylinders, of large and small kernels. Additionally, seed size impactswhich grade seed thickness to the closest measurement of gravity separation and seed treatments. the true value. For instance, large flat kernels require less air for flu- At Oliver Manufacturing, we engineer the accuracy idization compared to large round kernels, and during theand precision of each sizing orifice and its correspond-seed treatment process, the application rate varies to prop- ing kernel presentation. This starts with tooling that is erly cover flat seed versus round seed and its surface area. designed and custom-made based on our specifications Today, we mostly sort corn into five sizes (large round,for each unique sizing requirement. Every orifice is medium round, small round, large flat and medium flat).punched and formed independently to ensure repeatable Improvements to equipment and technological advance- quality for your application. ments allow for both precise and accurate gradingyes,We measure and validate the cylinders orifices to meet there is a difference. Accuracy is how close the meas- a 95 per cent confidence level. Combine this with our urement conforms to the correct value, while precisionstatistically controlled processes to measure and validate is how much variation exists within a set of values. Forthe cylinder orifices and we provide the most precise and example, if you have a set measurement for flat corn, theaccurate sizing cylinder.flat corn set is precisely sized if all the thickness measure- Precision and accuracy shouldnt just be left to plant ments are close to each other (millimeters), while the flatbreeders and farmers; it should be evident throughout the corn set is accurately sized if the average of all the thick- value chain, including the seed sizing process.SEED HEALTH & TESTINGONE CRUCIAL FEATURE OF AN ISTA-ACCREDITED LABSarah Foster,President and Senior Seed Analystsarah@2020seedlabs.ca2020seedlabs.caWHATS THE DIFFERENCE between a seed testing lab accred- After that the receptionist enters the secure part of ited by the International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)the labthe sample is now in the receiving area and is and one that isnt? processed by a sample entry technician for system entry As an International Seed Testing Association technicaland is given a unique lab number.auditor, we prepare detailed documentation with respectThe analysts inside the lab identify samples only by to a laboratorys scope of accreditation. In light of ourtheir lab number and are not made aware who the cus-own laboratorys accreditation, I thought it would be atomer is. This ensures a secure testing experience free good idea to illustrate just how an ISTA-accredited lab dif- from any possible tampering or bias. This is a huge and fers from other accredited standards. very crucial aspect of the way an ISTA-accredited lab tests The biggest difference is process. According to ISTAits seed.rules, an accredited lab must have an entrance open toBoth the testing itself and the electronic reports gener-the public, but a secure one protected by a swipe cardated are tamper-proof. This focus on security and integ-or key pad access that allows entry to the lab only forrity in the results is one of the main advantages that an authorized staff. ISTA-accredited laboratory has over its other accredited The client is usually greeted by a receptionist withcounterparts. Customers want to know their results are technical experience who takes their samples and goesflawless and free from any possible error. The only way over their information to make sure everything is correctto ensure this is to follow the internationally agreed-upon and in order. In particular, the seed sample is sealed withprocess that the ISTA guidelines lay out.a tamper-proof seal.26GERMINATION.CA SEPTEMBER 2019'