b'What does it mean to be a lobbyist? Every provincial legislature has a By definition, lobbying is to seek to influ- similar sitting calendar as well, as does ence a politician or public official on anthe Senate. I would encourage you to issue. Last summer, I was travelling incheck out the House of Commons, Senate Nova Scotia when I stopped into an artof Canada or your provincial legislatures Lauren Martin shop. As he was ringing me in, the storewebsite. Government and Industryowner asked, So what do you do? and Relations Lead because people outside of Ottawa dont Canadian Seed Tradereally know the term government rela-Association tions specialist, I said that I was a lob-Ottawa, Ont. byist. He paused before replying, Oh A lawyer by training, Laurenwow, you actually tell people that? That practiced law for a few yearsinteraction has stuck with me. Lobbying before returning to agricultureis considered by some to be a dirty word,her first love. Prior tobut I would argue, and Ill get back to thisLOBBYING IS CONSIDERED BY SOME joining CSTA, Lauren was inlater, that lobbying is, in fact, an essential a similar advocacy role withpart of democracy.TO BE A DIRTY WORD, BUT I WOULD the Canada Organic Trade Association. In her role, sheHow should people go about this? ARGUE. THAT LOBBYING IS, IN FACT, identifies the issues of CSTAsAsk yourself: what is my issue and who is membership and collaboratesresponsible for it? There might be a fewAN ESSENTIAL PART OF DEMOCRACY.with government staff,people responsible for your issue, but my Lauren Martinelected politicians and CSTAadvice is to identify that person closest stakeholders to remedy them. to you. So for example, say youre having a trade issuewho do you know who might be responsible for that? Is it some-one you work with at the CFIA? Is it a minister you might see on the news? Start with the person you know. They ulti-mately might not be THE person you needWhy lobby in the first place?to speak to, but you have to start some- First of all, you vote, so you have power. where. Again, my point is being your ownYou work for a company, or own a com-advocate isnt inaccessible.pany, that pays taxes, so you have power. Its a democracy, so you have power. Election season is an obvious time to do this,Politicians work on your behalf and cant but what about the rest of the year? be elected without your say-so. That said, The House of Commons has a sittingyou should tell them what your business calendar. It demonstrates when fed- does, what your role is, and advocate eral MPs are going to be in Ottawa. Forbecause your story matters. One of the roughly half of the year, politicians are inthings Ive come across, in working with their home riding addressing membersmembers and stakeholders on the advocacy concerns on home turf. They bring whatfront, is that people dont think they have they learn about their constituents needsthe specialized knowledge that it takes back to Ottawa during sitting days. Thisto have these meetings or conversations. also demonstrates when politicians mightMy response to that is that it doesnt take be more accessible to you. The federala special skill to tell a story. The second House of Commons is now on its summerthing I see is that, for whatever reason, recess, and the rumour is, despite whatthey dont think they have anything to say, the calendar depicts, that Trudeau may notthat their story isnt important enough, that call MPs back before the October election.someone else could say it better, so leave it While MPs are professional meeting takers,to them. My response to that is no one can and always willing to make time for theirtell your story better than you. Even if Im constituents, they will be even more eagera professional lobbyist, I cant do it better as they look to lock down the votes.than you. SEPTEMBER 2019GERMINATION.CA 29'