b'for germination and purity. As agriculture and technology advanced, so did ISTAs focus. By the mid-20th century, ISTA had broadened its scope to include comprehensive testing protocols. In 1931, ISTA adopted its first "International Rules of Seed Testing"As ISTA enters its second century, it will continue to and established the ISTA Certificates to facilitate international seed trade, which laid the foundation for global standardisedevolve and adapt to the changing landscape of the seed testing. The late 20th century saw significant advancementsglobal seed sector and agriculture worldwide.in ISTA\'s role. In 1995, ISTA expanded its membership to include private laboratories and seed companies, broadening its reach Keshavulu Kunosoth, President, International Seed Testing Association.in the seed industry. The following year, in 1996, ISTA initiated the Quality Assurance Programme to accredit seed testing laboratories, ensuring consistent and reliable testing across laboratories worldwide. In recent decades, with the advent ofeffective communication, ISTA will uphold its mission to promote new technologies and the onset of globalisation, ISTA has begununiformity in seed quality evaluation and contribute to global to incorporate advancing scientific techniques into its rules. ISTAseed and food security.emphasised the importance of seed health and genetic purity.In the upcoming years, ISTA will build on its ideas for future To improve precision and dependability, ISTA incorporated DNAaction and strategy, aiming to uphold the legacy of developing marker techniques in variety and GMO testing methodologies. scientifically sound rules and advanced methods for seed ISTA has been at the forefront of integrating new technologiessampling and testing that cater to the global seed sector.into seed testing, enabling the use of new technologies forI am pleased to announce that in July 2024, ISTA will seed analysis. Advanced technologies are evidence-basedintroduce "eCertificates" to streamline processes and improve the and fit for purpose in seed testing uniformity. To enhance theefficiency of seed testing labs in communicating the test results. precision and efficiency of seed testing, the ISTA has embracedISTA\'s role has expanded beyond developing methodologies to digital technologies and data-driven approaches, and it hasinclude capacity-building and knowledge dissemination all over implemented virtual or remote audits for seed testing labthe world. With its rational and dynamic approach, ISTA has accreditation. grown enormously over the past 100 years. Over time, the seed industry, ISTA-designated authorities, and the membership have As We Head into the Second Century, Whats Ahead?requested the addition of numerous new species to the ISTA There are several key priorities that require a blend of wisdom,Rules. The international rules are available in four languages to foresight and strategic commitment to ensure that ISTAmeet the needs of the seed industry worldwide. This facilitation continues to play a pivotal role in global seed and food securityhas led to the expansion of ISTA\'s involvement into previously for generations to come. As ISTA enters its second century, it willabsent or under represented regions and countries, resulting in continue to evolve and adapt to the changing landscape of theits presence in 83 countries by 2023, up from 26 in 1924.global seed sector and agriculture worldwide.This evolution demonstrates ISTA\'s commitment to adapting ISTA, as a seed science and technology authority, will continueto the needs of the global seed industry and agricultural to play a role in developing globally adopted seed samplingcommunity, as well as supporting sustainable development and testing methods. ISTAs position at the interface betweenworldwide. By continuously improving seed quality and reliability, research, industry and regulation will continue to facilitate theISTA has significantly contributed to the advancement of identification of needs for new methods or changes in theglobal agricultural productivity, food security and sustainable existing methods. The strategic initiatives of ISTA in its seconddevelopment worldwide.century will revolve around key objectives that guarantee theThis year\'s ISTA Annual Meeting is very special; it will mark continuous progress and significance of seed sampling andgrand celebrations of a century of ISTA\'s dedication to seed testing. For example, the creation and refinement of scientificallyscience and technology, reflect on its achievements, and envision robust rules and methods for seed sampling and testing aimed atthe future of seed quality assurance in the coming century. It is meeting the evolving needs of the seed industry is a key focus.particularly appropriate that the Centenary Celebrations are held In its second century, ISTA will continue to serve its growingin Cambridge, U.K., where ISTA started its journey 100 years ago. membership by working more locally while continuing to act internationally. These strategic initiatives will ensure the ISTAYours in seed testing,continues to set the gold standards in seed sampling and testing.Dr. Keshavulu Kunusoth, President, By focusing on innovation, collaboration, capacity building andInternational Seed Testing AssociationISTA 100TH ANNIVERSARY EDITIONSEEDWORLD.COM /7'