b'The digital hub for the commercial seed industrySource from leading global seed companiesSource. Procure. Ship.The Sproutzo Central Hub.Sproutzo is an online platform for theSearch and filter through thousands of products from the worlds top suppliers. Whether looking for specific traits or to global seed industry, empowering diversify your inventory, we have you covered.suppliers to expand into new markets, while providing companies with an easy sourcing experience to discover newFinancing.products and business partners.Apply for Sproutzo financing and receive 100% payment prior to shipping.Chat & Negotiate directly with suppliers.Talk directly to suppliers. Ask questions, discuss pricing, finalize phytosanitary certificates, and plan freight, all in one place.Automate Compliance Workflows. (Beta users wanted)Under developmentsoftware that will automate and streamline international compliance and phytosanitary workflows. \x03educe prep time and minimize risk.On-platform tech sheetsRequest access or more information. hello@sproutzo.com'