b'CONTENT FROM SEED WORLD CANADAPEOPLE WHO REPRESENTTHE NEW SEED INDUSTRYThese 2024 Next-Gen Leaders are changing the seed and plant science landscape for the betterin a number of different ways.Marc ZienkiewiczSeed World Canada Senior EditorWELCOME TOSeed World Canadas Next-Gen Leaders ofHe arrived in Canada in 2012 to pursue his graduate studies 2024a glimpse into the trailblazers redefining the land- at the University of Saskatchewan. This move would shape the scape of plant science and agriculture. In a realm where tradi- trajectory of his career.tion meets cutting-edge technology, these visionary mindsBrar pursued a masters degree in wheat pathology and later are pushing the boundaries and reshaping the very essence ofa PhD focusing on wheat breeding under the mentorship of what it means to work in plant science. With their dedication toPierre Hucl. His pursuit of excellence propelled him to join the diversity and inclusion and a passion for their work, they are notfaculty at the University of British Columbia in January 2020, just cultivating crops but cultivating a new era of agriculturalwhere he embarked on pioneering research in wheat genetics excellence. Join us as we honour these pioneers who are boldlyand resistance breeding.charting the course for a more resilient, efficient, and sustain- Having recently been recruited by the University of Alberta able future in plant science and beyond. to take on the breeding program there, Brar is becoming a true leader in western Canadian wheat breeding.The opportunity to lead an established wheat breeding pro-Making Wheat for the North gram at the University of Alberta was a dream come true. With Gurcharn Singh Brar the necessary resources and infrastructure in place, Im excited Edmonton, Alta.to drive innovation and develop high-yielding wheat varieties tailored to the unique conditions of northern Canada.In the world of wheat breed- Brar has become known for identifying novel sources of ing, not everyone possessesresistance to priority diseases and his efforts in developing the blend of passion, expertise,wheat germplasm with multiple disease-resistant traits.and perseverance that comesIn addition to his groundbreaking research, Brar is committed naturally to Gurcharn Singhto mentoring the next generation of agricultural scientists.Brar. Hailing from Indias PunjabI believe in nurturing talent and empowering students to state, the 33-year-olds journeypursue their passions, he says. Watching my students grow and to becoming a leading figure inthrive in their research endeavours is hugely rewarding.Canadian wheat breeding is get- As he looks ahead, Brars vision for the future of wheat breed-ting noticed. ing is clear: My number one target is to develop high-yielding I often say, I grew up withWith his new position at thewheat varieties adapted to the northern climates of Canada. By wheat, Brar shares, reminisc- University of Alberta, thefocusing on early maturity and strong straw traits, we can maxi-ing about his familys agricultural33-year-olds journey tomize yield potential while ensuring resilience to environmental background. My father culti- becoming a leading figure inchallenges.vated wheat and rice in rotation,Canadian wheat breeding isDespite his demanding schedule, Brar remains grounded by getting noticed. giving me a deep appreciationhis family and roots. His wife Ramandeep is a mathematician by for farming. training.Upon completing his bachelor of science in agriculture atShe really is my pillar of support, he says. Her understand-Punjab Agricultural University, Brar set his sights on Canada foring and enthusiasm for agriculture have been invaluable, and I his graduate studies. am grateful for her encouragement every day.52/ SEEDWORLD.COMISTA 100TH ANNIVERSARY EDITION'