b'BENEFITS OF THE ISTA MEMBERSHIPThere are multiple reasons to consider joining ISTA.Dr. Andreas Wais, Secretary General, and Dr. Keshavulu Kunusoth, President, International Seed Testing AssociationMEMBERS OF THEInternational Seed Trade Associationscientific open-access journal Seed Science and Technology gain in multiple ways. They can:(SST), the news bulletin Seed Testing International (STI), Receive the International Rules for Seed Testing updatesas well as different proceedings from the ISTA events. free of charge. The Rules contain standardised methods andISTA Members get a 50% discount on all purchased ISTA techniques to be used in seed testing, which are internationallypublications.harmonised and constantly reviewed by the ISTA TechnicalBe involved in the seed testing methodology development. Committees. ISTA Members are part of an international network of seed Participate in the ISTA Proficiency Test Programme. ISTAprofessionals and represent expertise in seed science and Members Laboratories are eligible to participate in the ISTAtechnology. ISTA Members can become directly involved in Proficiency Test Programme at no additional cost. TheISTA Technical Committee work, gaining contact with leading Proficiency Test provides an opportunity for ISTA membersseed experts worldwide.to assess their technical performance and to benchmarkBecome accredited and issue ISTA International Certificates. themselves with the worldwide ISTA seed testing laboratoryMembers Laboratories can become accredited by ISTA. community. Accredited laboratories have proven their technical Participate in the ISTA decision making process. ISTA Personalcompetence in carrying out seed testing in accordance with Members may be appointed as Designated Members andthe ISTA rules and operate an effective quality management obtain authorisation to vote at ISTA Ordinary Meetings onsystem. They are authorised to issue ISTA International Seed behalf of the government concerned. Analysis Certificates. Get valuable information through ISTA Publications. ISTAParticipate in ISTA Events. Special reduced prices for all ISTAregularly publishes a range of technical handbooks, theEvents and prioritised registration to any ISTA Event of interest. 16/ SEEDWORLD.COMISTA 100TH ANNIVERSARY EDITION'