b"Use of New TechnologiesFor methods in the ISTA Rules where technologies can be usedAfrica 7.8%that are equivalent to human seed analysts, the technology does not need to be re-validated, but it must be verified for the seed analyst that the technology (equipment) is competent to undertake the analysis. Technology includes any piece of equipment that enables the analysis to be achieved and anyAsia & Pacificoperating systems (algorithms, software etc.) that enable the24.1%technology to perform its function and, in some cases, provideEuropethe final result. Interpretation of the data is still performed by a44.6%human analyst.Research and Knowledge Dissemination One of the important pillars assuring the uniform application of seed testing methods is training and education. For this purpose, on-site workshops as well as online webinars, held on various aspects of seed testing in which ISTA has experience ofAustralia & Oceania6.6%several decades, are considered excellent tools. Experts within ISTA are sources of competence and additionally offer workshops on different aspects of seedSouth America Central & North America testing for training purposes. The lecturers are experienced7.2% 9.6%seed scientists and technicians actively involved within ISTA andGlobal Distribution of ISTA accredited laboratories.considered as experts in their fields.Seed Testing International (STI)The ISTA news bulletin, Seed Testing International, is not only read by ISTA Members, which include personal and laboratory members in more than 70 countries/distinct economies, but is also distributed to over 1,700 subscribers worldwide. Young@ISTAIt includes reports from the ISTA president, TechnicalYoung@ISTA is a special programme initiated by ISTA to attract Committees and Secretariat. It also includes articles addressingtalented professionals and researchers passionate about seed issues of common technical interest and accreditation, reportsscience and technology. This program aims to ensure the from various meetings and congresses and regional newscontinuity of ISTA's legacy by engaging individuals who can covering all issues concerning seed testing in general. contribute to the Association's mission, benefiting their home countries, organisations and personal career development. Handbooks Through this programme, ISTA seeks to expand its reach and ISTA provides a wide range of handbooks including detailedshare its knowledge with a wider audience globally.techniques on all relevant topics in seed sampling and testing methodology. The handbooks are elaborated by ISTA TechnicalISTA Membership Committees and are excellent tools to improve knowledge andThe ISTA membership consists of Personal Members, Associate train laboratory staff in different technical areas and facilitateMembers, and over 240 Member Laboratories. The membership the daily technical work in seed sampling and testing. is a collaboration of seed scientists and seed analysts from universities, research centers and governmental, private and Seed Science and Technologycorporate seed testing laboratories around the world. ISTA Seed Science and Technology (SST) publishes original papersvalues and promotes the diversity of membership, this being in all areas of seed quality and physiology related to seedthe basis for its independence from economic and political production, harvest, processing, sampling, storage, distributioninfluence.and testing. The journal is an important tool to promoteDuring the last three Trienniums, the ISTA strategy research in seed science and technology and is a prime sourceconcentrated on growing membership especially in regions of information for seed scientists and technologists involved inwhere ISTA accredited laboratories were not sufficiently available the improvement of seed quality and seed quality control.to the ISTA stakeholders. These areas were mainly Asia, Africa The journal was launched in 1973 as a replacement of theand South America. The special focus was first on Asia. The Proceedings of the International Seed Testing Association, whicheffort was particularly successful in India. There are currently was first issued in 1921.34 member laboratories in India, of which nine are accredited. SST is edited by the ISTA Editorial Board, and published byThe area is still the quickest growing area in ISTA. All regions ISTA in three issues per volume and year. It is available as openmentioned above are still strategic areas for ISTA to grow into access. the future. 14/ SEEDWORLD.COMISTA 100TH ANNIVERSARY EDITION"