b"CONTENT FROM APSAComing of age: APSA marks important milestone in 2024In 1994, a seed was planted: becoming the worlds first regional seed association during the Foundation Meeting in Chiang Mai, Thailand, the Asia Pacific Seed Association (APSA) was founded. Over the subsequent years and decades, this idea grew into an active association representing the private seed sector in the Asia Pacific. APSA has been supporting its members in navigating through the shifts in the business and the regulatory environment and delivering on its original mission to ensure quality seed for the world. Today, APSA (now the Asia and Pacific Seed Alliance) celebrates its 30th anniversary; our members and partners around the world stand strong not just as an international trade organization, but a living legacy that has germinated, blossomed, and continues to bear fruit in various forms.A Symbol of Wisdom and Resilience Honoring Our ChampionsThe 30th anniversary is traditionally associated withThe APSA Board of Directors would like to express pearls. These lustrous gems, formed within the protectiveheartfelt appreciation for all of the invaluable contributions, embrace of oysters, symbolize wisdom, purity, andleadership, and vision that have laid a solid foundation resilience. Similarly, lilies, particularly white lilies, arefor what APSA is today, and is hereby calling on all of often chosen to commemorate the 30th anniversary dueour members and partnerspast and presentto tell to their symbolic significance of purity, devotion, andthe world. To celebrate and pay tribute to the people and renewal. The lily's pristine petals and graceful form reflectmemories that have woven the fabric of the associations the purity of the bond that has been nurtured over time,storied journey, APSA has launched a special anniversary while its resilient nature symbolizes the strength andwebsite to collect and share reflections, memorable stories, longevity of the relationship. and well-wishes on this occasion. Responses will grace our social media, magazine, and newsletters, reminding us of Just as seasons transition, APSA has weathered cyclesthe roots from which weve grown. Culminating with formal of growth, learning, and renewal over these past threecelebrations during the 2024 Asian Seed Congress this decades. Each members story and memory add aDecember, these stories will adorn a dedicated memory brushstroke to the canvas of APSAs journey. wall at event venue in Sanya, China, unveiling this living testament to APSAs legacy.26/ SEEDWORLD.COMISTA 100TH ANNIVERSARY EDITION"