b'A Brief History of Seed TestingFrederich Nobbe published his famous Handbook of Seed Science 1876 and the motto of the meeting held in Hamburg that year was uniformity in seed testing. This later became the International Seed Testing Association (ISTA) logo.1924 26 countries particpated in the meeting in Cambridge and the International Seed Testing Association was founded.1931 At the request of FIS (ISF), ISTA adopted the firstInternational Rules of Seed Testing, as well as establishing theISTA Certificates Scheme.1950 ISTA Congress was held in Washington D.C., the first outside Europe, and demonstrated that, after 13 years of interruption by the Second World War, ISTA was indispensable to seed business.1995 During the ISTA Congress held in Copenhagen, ISTA Membership was opened to private laboratories and private seed companies.To ensure harmonized seed testing worldwide, ISTA initiated the 1996 Quality Assurance Programme to accredit seed testing laboratories. The first ISTA Member Laboratory was audited under the new set-up in this year.During the ISTA Congress held in Budapest, it was agreed to consider 2004 accreditation as purely techical task, and the responsibility to give authorization to issue ISTA International Seed Analysis Certificates was given to the ISTA Executive Committee.2024Machine vision testing policy approved and use ofartificial intelligence (AI) systems being discussed.QA well-established; some laboratories having their9th or 10th ISTA audit. ISTA eCertificates soon!ISTA 100TH ANNIVERSARY EDITIONSEEDWORLD.COM /5'