b"All the Commodity Market Headwinds Mean its Go Time! ROBERTO SPADADIRECTOR OF MARKETING AT IT SEEMS LIKEevery day theresbenefit end-users and consumers.STANDARD BIOTOOLSa new headline that highlights toughNew seed developers and breed- standardbio.comtimes for the U.S. row crop seeders are bringing elite products toroberto.spada@standardbio.comindustry. Just the past two weeksmarket at price points that give have featured a U.S. Department ofseed companies and farmers more Agriculture crop report that expectsmargin opportunity and a chance toNew Kid on the Block a decline of more than 6 millionoffer unique products. On-seed and acres of the major row crops andin-seed enhancements are offering government action (or inaction) thatyield and vigor bumps. Revolutionizes GMO Testingis taking the wind out of the sails ofIn short, doing something differ-the sustainable aviation fuel market.ent is becoming the norm. GENETICALLY MODIFIEDorganisms (GMOs) offer Anyone remember when we wereAnd when the sands of a mar- huge opportunity in agriculture, but they bring with supposed to need 40 million moreketplace shift, the quick and nimblethem significant regulatory, compliance and testing acres of soybeans and 100 millionoutmaneuver the slow and cumber- challenges. To meet marketability standards, sup-acres of corn?some.port international trade, and keep consumers on-side, It's probably not surprising thenThis is where partnerships andagriculture needs efficient, cost-effective, scalable that large seed companies haverelationships become incrediblymethods for GMO detection in food, feed and seeds. reduced staff, cut research budgetsimportant. Companies need toTheres a new type of genomics technology available and closed facilities.expand their networks, increasethat offers exactly thatyou might have heard of the Some of the macro trends arethe products they test and flip overBiomark X9 System for high-throughput genomics, quite concerning. Highly productiveevery rock they see. Go or no-gowhich delivers comprehensive sample profiling for agricultural land is being covereddecisions need to be made fastPCR and genotyping by sequencing studies with mini-by solar panels. Chinese demand isand no options can be off the table.mal operator contribution. That same system has the falling due to a slowing economy.Everything, from internal structure,potential to revolutionize GMO detection via its unique Soybeans from Brazil are show- products offered and geogra- amplicon-based sequencing approach.ing up on the East Coast of thephies served should be reviewed. IfThis approach offers several key advantages over US because they are cheaper thansomething isnt working, stop doingtraditional methods like qPCR:beans grown in Delmarva. it. Check the entire dam for margin Highly multiplexed: the BioMark X9 can analyze a For all those same reasons, Ileakage and plug as many holes aslarge number of GMO targets simultaneously, saving could not be more optimistic aboutyou can. Everything needs to betime and resources compared to single target meth-the future. done quickly! ods.American farmers producingThe companies that do this Increased sensitivity: the Biomark X9 can detect undifferentiated commodities is akind of self-assessment honestlyGMOs present at very low levels, even in complex mix-vast under-utilization of our incred- and transparently will uncover thetures.ibly skilled farmers and world-lead- opportunities and pathways for the Improved specificity: the BioMark X9 reduces the ing infrastructure. The United Statesfuture. Those that execute the newrisk of false positives by targeting specific sequences produces some of the highest qual- strategy will find themselves at theunique to GMOs.ity grain in the world; its time realforefront of the future U.S. row crop Broader applicability: The BioMark X9 can identify premiums are earned for that effort. market. Its go time! a wider range of GMO events, including those not yet Dozens of new innovators aredocumented in reference databases.bringing genetics to the market Streamlined workflow: The BioMark X9 offers with higher quality oil, more protein,automated library preparation and sequencing for better nutritional profiles and otherincreased efficiency.value-added characteristics thatThis technology has the potential to be a game-changer for various stakeholders. For food, feed and seed producers, it would ensure the accuracy and transparency of their labeling practices, and it would JIM SCHWEIGERT also benefit consumers, giving them greater confi-PRESIDENT, GRO ALLIANCE dence in the information provided on food labels. jim.schweigert@groalliance.com Intrigued? Check out this website or contact us at groalliance.com education.team@standardbio.com.@jim_schweigert46/ SEEDWORLD.COMISTA 100TH ANNIVERSARY EDITION"