b'CONTENT FROM SEED WORLD CANADAShowing the Way to Bolstering Faba BeanBrasathe Jeganathan Pullman, Wash.Brasathe Jeganathan came to Canada from Sri Lanka in 2016, seeking to bridge the gaps in her scientific expertise. Now shes helping open up a new future for faba bean and other niche crops.Faba bean, an often-overlooked crop, captured her attention for their resilience and nutritional prowess.Her doctoral pursuits culminated in groundbreaking discover-ies, including sustainable, chemical-free extraction methods that promise to revolutionize the processing of plant-based proteins.We developed innovative techniques that mitigate environ-mental impact while maximizing efficiency, she says. The new process also ensures that the protein remains unchanged by chemicals, preserving its potential for use in developing clean-Kevin Falk and his family in the harvester. label vegetarian food products or supplementing cereal-based staple foods, according to the University of Alberta.Managing Work and Parenthood As she transitions into her role as a postdoctoral research Kevin Falkassociate in the United States, Brasathe remains steadfast in her Oak Bluff, Man. commitment to advancing food science. However, her success hasnt come without challenges, showing her leadership not just Kevin Falk is about to welcome his third child into the world. in research but in the realm of work-life balance. She moved to As a devoted father to two young children aged two andCanada only five months after getting married.three, the 39-year-old field Corteva Agriscience field moderni- For those just getting started in the fields of agriculture and zation scientist based in Oak Bluff, Man., along with his wifefood science, she says maintaining curiosity and passion is para-Ashley (who also works in R&D as a canola breeding agronomistmount in any endeavour and a key to success. at BASF), has had to find his rhythm juggling responsibilitiesClear communication is vital, especially when conveying between research farms in Carman and Oak Bluff. complex findings to diverse audiences. Its important to tailor The modern seed industry, like parenthood, demands adapt- your message accordingly, whether youre speaking to experts ability, communication, embracing technology and a team willingor the public.to join in when things take an unexpected turn, Falk says.Approaching the arrival of his third child, Falk reflects on his experiences as a guide for future seed industry leaders.Both Ashley and I found ourselves jumping off the seed drill, sprayer, or combine in the middle of a trial due to unexpected daycare calls. Its a situation I wasnt familiar or comfortable with, given the meticulous nature of fieldwork, he adds. But the understanding and support from Cortevaand BASFhas been terrific. The research team really bands together when needed; everyone understands the unique chal-lenges that parents in the seed industry face, especially when balancing fieldwork and family life.When it comes to his specialtynew technologyFalk is particularly intrigued by the increasing use of spray drones in agriculture and the growing accessibility of drone technology to a wide range of users.Future advancements involve how we conduct research including moving from plot-level to plant-level assessments and using spectral analysis that provides a deeper understanding of crop health and performance, he says.Brasathe Jeganathan and her husband Samarasinghage.56/ SEEDWORLD.COMISTA 100TH ANNIVERSARY EDITION'