b'SEED INNOVATION DAYSSeed Innovation Challenge Winner Announced from Global FieldA patented 3D phenotyping solution was chosen the 2023 winner of Seed Innovation Challenge. The real winner of the Challenge, however, is the entire global seed industry. Madeleine BaergTHE SEED INNOVATION CHALLENGEis a global search for the most innovative new seed industry solutions. Hosted by RWA Raiffeisen Ware Austria and the Agro Innovation Lab (RWAs innovation subsidiary), the challenge drew applications from 65 innovators from 24 countries. Nominees work included breeding, field produc-tion, seed multiplication, seed processing, distribution, logistics and more. There were 12 finalists, each of whom was invited to Austria to present their solutions to a jury at Seed Innovation Days. Finalists included innovators from South Korea, the United States,Left to right: Florian Mayer (head of RWAs seed division), Georg Sladek (Agro Innovation the Netherlands, Germany, Hungary,Lab), Antje and Johannes Wolff (phenoLytics GmbH) and Christoph Metzker (RWA board Switzerland, India, Serbia, Englandmember).and France. The finalists innovations measured pollen cells, assessed in-fieldanalysis. We are pleased that its potentialare not innovative, then also the success performance, employed AI solutions,has been recognized, said phenoLyticsof the farmer is limited at the end of the high-technology sowing and measure- founders Antje and Johannes Wolff.day.ment, nanoparticle-powered solutions, 3DAntje and Johannes say they appreci- Unlike many industry innovation measurements and plasma technology. ated Seed Innovation Days as an oppor- events, the Seed Innovation Challenge is phenoLytics GmbH won top honors,tunity to see the impressive breadth andspearheaded by a private company: RWA which included a prize of 10,000 EUR anddepth of innovation occurring within theand its independent innovation subsidiary, exclusive collaboration discussions. Theirseed industry, and possibly to build thethe Agro Innovation Lab. Whereas many winning system, called phenoTest, offersrelationship for future collaboration.companies carefully guard new innova-fully automated 3D or 4D phenotyping ofIn his keynote address at the event,tion, RWA and the Agro Innovation Lab seeds and seedlings with high throughputGarlich von Essen, secretary general atdo exactly the opposite: not only pub-and precise measurement of internal andEuroseeds, said, The Seed Innovationlicly showcasing the innovation theyve external organs, including hidden struc- Challenge shows how easily innovativediscovered through the Seed Innovation tures such as roots in medium, generatingmethods can be integrated into existingChallenge, but even inviting competitors actionable big data. The connected 3Dagricultural systems and quickly bringto participate in the intensive discussion seed sorting systemphenoScortlev- benefits. and collaboration of the two-day Seed erages this data to sort for usable seeds. At the seed industry level, [innova- Innovation Days. Mayer says collaboration For us, this victory is a great affirma- tion] is very important because we areis critical to the health of the global seed tion of our ideas. phenoLytic stands forthe first on the field with the seed, saysindustry. For more information about the disruptive technology, the use of whichFlorian Mayer, head of seeds at RWA.Seed Innovation Challenge, visit www.requires a fundamental rethinking in seedThats why, if we are not successful, if weagroinnovationlab.com.SW32/ SEEDWORLD.COMISTA 100TH ANNIVERSARY EDITION'