b'CONTENT FROM SEED WORLD CANADACharting a Course for Private Wheat BreedingAndy Chen Saskatoon, Sask.Growing up in Taiwan, a young Andy Chen watched his family tend to sugarcane, cultivating a deep-rooted love for agriculture. Little did he know, those childhood experi-ences would germinate into a lifelong passion for plant science and wheat breeding, leading him to Canada where the 29-year-old now serves as head wheat breeder for Limagrain Cereals Research Canada (LCRC).Chens family moved to British Columbia when he was 12. Driven by this fascination, Chen pursued a degree in plant science and biology at the University of Toronto. His journey took an unexpected turn when he crossed paths with the late Ali Navabi, a renowned wheat breeder at the University of Guelph. From Guelph he went to the United Kingdom, delving further into wheat genomics, honing his skills and gaining invaluable insights from a European perspective.It was during his PhD studies in the UK that a chance encounter with Jason Reinheimer, the former wheat breeder at LCRC, opened doors to a new chapter in Chens career.Our diverse team at LCRC shares a common vision: to develop cultivars that empower farmers, he says. Private wheat breeding brings its own set of challenges, but its also an exciting opportunity to drive innovation and make a tangible impact.Reflecting on his role, Chen acknowledges the pressure inherent in private breeding but remains undeterred by the high stakes. LCRCa partnership between Canterra Seeds and Frances Limagrainso far has introduced two wheat varieties to the market, CS Accelerate and CS Daybreak. Both are under the Variety Use Agreement platform admin-istered by Seeds Canada and require farmers to pay a royalty if they choose to save the seed of those varieties for replanting. In private breeding, we not only strive to match public programs but to exceed expectations and deliver additional value to farmers, Chen says. With innovations from LCRC on the horizon such as a herbicide tolerant wheat, Chen emphasizes the importance of communication for aspiring plant breeders.Whether its forging collaborations or sharing ideas, effective communication is essential in this field. And for newcomers, you have to be bold. Have the courage to step up, contribute, and embrace new opportunities. At only 29, Andy Chen is helping show whats possible With his eyes set on the horizon, Chen remains optimisticin the world of private sector wheat breeding.about the future of wheat breeding, buoyed by advance-ments in genotyping technology and groundbreaking traits.54/ SEEDWORLD.COMISTA 100TH ANNIVERSARY EDITION'