b'I N D U S T R Y N E W S Delivering the news you need to know. Submissions welcomeemail us at news@seedworldgroup.com. Ag Technology is Helping Cut EmissionsA new study shows new agricultural technology and management can eliminate greenhouse gas emissions, producing net negative emissions. This would reduce more greenhouse gas than food systems are adding. Scientists at Cornell and Princeton Universities led the study, published in PLOS Climate. Ghana Genebank Becomes 100th Depositor in Global Seed VaultGhana becames the 100th seed depositor in the Svalbard Global Seed Vault, an important step towards ensuring the long-term protection of the The American Seed Trade Association (ASTA)countrys major food crops. The see vault safeguards recently updated its guide to help farmers,over 1.2 million seed samples. landowners and others easily find andSouth American Corn and Sorghum Expansioncontact professional seed suppliers for qualityGDM announced its strategic acquisition of KWS corn and sorghum business in South America. The acquisi-environment, conservation and cover crop seed.tion includes all of KWS South American corn breed-The interactive Environment, Conservation anding and sales activities, as well as corn and sorghum production sites in Brazil and Argentina.Cover Crop Seed Resource Guide assists buyers in locating dealers for specific seed types basedMillborn Seeds ExpandsSouth Dakotas Millborn Seeds recently acquired Union on their geographic location, thereby supportingForage in Alberta. This allows Millborn to continue their production and sustainability goals. their growth trajectory throughout North America, and enables Canadian customers access to a broader portfolio of seed solutions, Barker added.Illinois Project Sequencing Soybean Genomes An ambitious effort led by the University of IllinoisBASF | Nunhems Tomato Experience CenterUrbana-Champaign and the U.S. Department ofThe greenhouse in the Netherlands features over 150 Energy Joint Genome Institute will sequence 400ToBRFV- resistant varieties. Customers and growers soybean genomes to develop a pangenomeanfrom around the world can explore, taste, touch, smell attempt to characterize all the useful diversity in theand slice the diverse range firsthand. genome to create a more robust and resilient crop. BrettYoungs New Turf Processing Facility USDA Investments Spur New Ag Markets Caters to a Global MarketNational Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA)BrettYoung made a $20 million investment in announced an investment of nearly $22 million in agri- NorthCore, a facility equipped with the latest technol-cultural economics research that includes agriculturalogies for cleaning, sorting, and packaging turf seed. markets, international trade, farm labor, consumerThe 60,000 sq. ft. facility was built to achieve a new behavior and nutrition, food retail, agricultural produc- level in capacity while maintaining BrettYoungs high tion and processing and agricultural policy. standards of efficiency and quality.Montana State Explores Barley Protein Purple Tomato Available to U.S. GardenersMontana State University professor Andreas FischerA high-anthocyanin, genetically modified purple is seeking to identify which plant enzymes controltomato experienced robust demand, with over 9,600 barleys value. With funding from the USDAs Nationalpackets sold in the initial week. Norfolk Healthy Institute of Food and Agriculture, he aims to fill a gapProduce will launch fresh purple tomatoes into U.S. in plant science knowledge.grocery stores later this year. SW78/ SEEDWORLD.COMISTA 100TH ANNIVERSARY EDITION'