b'PARTNER CONTENTWhats Coming Down the SAT Development Pipeline? Innovative seed applied technology solutions help growers protect their seed investment and maximize yield potential. Heres whats ahead from Corteva.W hat an incredibly long way agriculture has come. In 1940, a farmer who planted corn/maize could expect to harvest about 40 bushels per acre in the U.S., or about 1.5 tonnes per hectare in France. Today, production has jumped by a factor of more than four. The huge yield gains have been made possible thanks to a combination of contributors: nitrogen application, precision equipment, better genetics, enhanced pest management anddrumroll please seed applied technologies.The first commercial seed treatment, a fungicide, was intro-duced in 1968. In the decades since, seed applied technologies (SATs) have become an increasingly critical component in realis-ing seeds potential. By enhancing the health and vigor of the seedlings, seed-applied technologies can improve the crops resil-ience and performance throughout the season, resulting in higher yields and better crop quality.SATs today include a full range of seed protectants from fungi-cides to insecticides to nematicides designed to shield seeds from various biotic and abiotic stresses that can affect seeds germina-tion, emergence and establishment. SATs increasingly also include biologicals, which provide growth benefits to the crop at the seedling stage and beyond. Seed applied technologies have been proven for quite a long time. As the industry and the market changes and the economics of inputs change, we need to protect the seed investment for grow-ers more than ever. Seed applied technologies are an importantCortevas Category Leader for Seed Applied Technologies,avenue to do that, says David Borgmeier. David BorgmeierAs Cortevas Category Leader for Seed Applied Technologies, it is Borgmeiers job to collaborate with external groups to un-derstand the needs of Cortevas partners and bring innovativeadvanced products to the marketplace to enhance seed protec-solutions to farmers. In his role, he works closely with research- tion even further and to provide farmers with more choices and ers, product developers and commercial teams to carry SATs fromflexibility. We recognize that each crop, region and field has its concept to commercialization. own unique conditions and challenges, and we aim to tailor our products to suit these diverse needs, says Borgmeier. The SAT Development Process Developing new products is a major, multi-step process that Corteva (and its predecessor Dow) has long been a frontrun- starts with perfecting a recipe, progresses through application ner in SATs. In April 2022, the company took that commitment aresearch, then focuses on extensive testing, Borgmeier explains. step further by opening its Centre for Seed Applied TechnologiesOur emphasis is on bringing different components together to (CSAT), a state-of-the-art facility in Aussonne, France designedcreate the best possible product through recipes or combinations exclusively to deliver new, innovative seed applied technologiesthat optimize the synergies of each ingredient, he says. We then from concept to commercialization. conduct extensive field trials across different geographies and en-At Corteva, we have a robust portfolio of seed-applied tech- vironments to evaluate our products under real-world conditions. nologies that cover a wide range of crops: corn, soybeans, wheat,We are constantly exploring new ways to enhance our products canola, sunflowers and more. Our goal is to introduce new,and expand our portfolio.38/ SEEDWORLD.COMISTA 100TH ANNIVERSARY EDITION'