b'struck a deal with Tritium 3H to distrib-ute three of its GoodHemp varieties in Canada. The varieties are Umpqua (CBD-dominant, early photoperiod variety for both the smokable and CBD extraction markets); Rogue (CBD-dominant, high-yielding intermediate photoperiod variety for the CBD extraction markets); and Santiam (CBD-dominant, early photoper-iod variety suited to northern latitudes for both the smokable and CBD extraction markets).Something thats been missing on the hemp side is rigorous, regional trialing in different locations and latitudes. We have our own regional trialing network through cooperators. To be able to under-stand how different varieties perform in different regions is of really critical value for the industry, Shultz says. Last year, Arcadia and Tritium 3H focused on testing for THC compliance in order to gain Health Canada approval. This year, theyre expanding their testing and trialing program, looking at yield, planting rates and agronomy, all designed to help growers maximize their per-acre profit.These varieties are true hybrids. The team went to great lengths to stabilizeLast year, Arcadia and Tritium 3H focused on testing for THC compliance in order to gain Health Canada the genetics on the parental sides and theapproval. Photo: Arcadia Biosciencesinbreds to get the uniformity and perfor-mance thats needed and to finish really early, Shultz adds. The time from flowering to harvest isThe variety, technical namefound in tiny amounts in the plant. shorter than many other varieties out there,HURV19PAN, is the first THC-free, high- That means a double achievement: not which in Canada is a huge benefit. But theCBG variety approved by Health Canada,only has THC been totally eliminated, amount of research needed to get there isas well as the only CBG variety currentlybut the concentration of CBG has been significant, so to open up the space likeavailable in the country.boosted. The result is a strain specially this and allow these CBD varieties to beThe variety, expected to contain 14developed for medicinal cannabis patients grown in Canada is a leap forward. per cent CBG in the field, was developedfor its therapeutic properties as well as for with partner Hemp Trading S.L.U. andresearchers and pharmaceutical companies CBG the Polytechnic University of Valencia ininterested in exploiting the medicinal prop-Its not just CBD that the cannabisSpain. The development of Panakeia waserties of cannabis.industry in Canada is looking to bring tomade possible through cross and selectiveJamie Ghossein is chief executive market. Other so-called minor cannabi- breeding by inhibiting specific pathwaysofficer of Cannabis Orchards, based in noids, including cannabigerol (CBG), areof the biosynthetic route of cannabinoids,Ottawa, Ont. Hes also a full-time physi-in demand as well. Panakeia, a THC-freethus preventing the formation of THC,cian at Ottawa Hospital. The potential and high-CBG hemp variety from Ottawathe psychoactive component of the plant,held in cannabinoids like CBG is what biotech company Cannabis Orchards, wasand increasing the accumulation of CBG,inspired him to get into the cannabis also added to the approved cultivar list.a cannabinoid that until now was onlyindustry.6GERMINATION.CAINTERNATIONAL EDITION 2022'