b"A look at seed industry developments around the globe.Canadian grain growersSTATUS BRAZIL (GGC) have launched theAuthority (NBA) of Ghana launch climate solutionsOxitec Ltd. has announcedRoad to 2050, a climate solu- has called on the public to the successful conclusiontions initiative to help meetsend comments, petitions, initiative, India changesof the first farm-scale pilotCanadas ambitious goal ofand suggestions as part of the their regulations on genedeployments of its Friendlynet-zero emissions by 2050, amandatory public participa-fall armyworm on commercialMarch 28 news release says. tion requirement leading to edited products beingBt cornfields in Brazil. TheAs part of Canadian grainthe deregulation of the PBR regulated as GMOs and theBrazilian governments regula- farmers ongoing leadershipCowpea in the country.tory authorities approved theas environmental stewards, weThe public notice seeking global grain supply is inFriendly fall armyworm tech- continue to look forward topublic participation was pub-question with the closure ofnology in 2021. ensure our competitiveness,lished in a state gazette dated Ukraines Black Sea ports. The pilot deploymentsAndre Harpe, GGC chair, saysFebruary 18, 2022. According were conducted on thousandsin the release. The farmer- to the Biosafety laws of Ghana, of acres of commercial farm- driven path to net zero mustthe public had 60 days start-land in So Paulo State, a keyreflect what farmers haveing from that date within corn-growing region in Brazil,done and can sustainably dowhich they are to send in their during the first annual cornin the future, which is whysupport, petition to enable crop season of 2021-2022.GGC has decided to lead thisthe agency to approve the Oxitec announced that theimportant initiative. request from the Sarvanana deployments have successfullyAgricultural Research Institute validated the performance ofwhich is seeking to deregu-the Friendly fall armywormSTATUS CHINA late the PBR Cowpea in the solution in an open field, farmAgricultural Developmentcountry.settings. The Friendly fall army- Bank of China (ADBC), oneThe gazette noted that: worm can reduce populationsof the country's three policyPursuant to section 18 (1) of fall armyworm (FAW) andbanks, will issue no less thanof the Biosafety Act 2011 provide long-term protection100 billion yuan (about 15.6 bil- together with section 19 of of the effectiveness of biotechlion U.S. dollars) of loans fromBiosafety regulations 2019, crops against this devastating2021 to 2025 to support thethe NBA hereby announces crop pest. high-quality development ofto the public the receipt of an A peer-reviewed study pub- the country's seed industry. application for consideration lished in BMC BiotechnologyThe bank said during thefor the introduction into the shows that Oxitecs Friendlyfive-year period it will giveenvironment and placing on Fall Armyworm technol- financial priority to tackling keythe market and importation of ogy describes early researchproblems in the breeding ofgenetically modified Pod Borer conducted in the developmentrice, wheat, corn and soybeans,Resistant (PBR) cowpea in of Oxitecs Friendly fall army- and support the developmentGhana. The application which worm, including the resultsof competitive seed companiesfollows serval years of research of in-depth mathematicaland the expansion of soybeanwas submitted to the NBA by modeling showing that whenand oilseed production. Savanna Agriculture Research male moths are deployed, theADBC will also provideInstitute (SARI), under the development of biotech corn- financial support to theCouncil for Scientific and resistant FAW is significantlydevelopment of nationalIndustrial Research (CSIR). delayed, leading to sustainedseed breeding and produc- The application according FAW management over ation bases as well as breed- to the NBA is undergoing a much longer period. ing bases for pigs, cows andscience-based review process Source: ISAAA waterfowl. together with relevant regula-tory agencies in Ghana and independent experts to ascer-STATUS CANADA STATUS GHANA tain that the PBR Cowpea The Grain Growers of CanadaThe National Biosafetyvariety is safe for human and 98/ SEEDWORLD.COMINTERNATIONAL EDITION 2022"