b'seed even as the conflict was raging, Henry told SeedHowever, Grygorenko says theres been a bigger World Group in a 2020 interview. push to get seed distributed and planted.Now, Henrys watching the new conflict from herUkrainian farmers are the true heroestheyve new home in Colorado. started and are continuing a sowing campaign despite I still cant believe this is happening, she said. Lifeeverything, she says. All of us understandthis is not changed for everyone in Ukraine literally overnight.only about food security in Ukraine, its for the whole Its hard to know what to do or how to handle this. Allworld.you can do is clearly say that this is not acceptable andBefore the sowing campaign started, the Ukrainian youre not OK with what is going on. So many aroundgovernment polled farmers about their needs for work-the world have done that, and its comforting to see. ing in the field. Luckily, from the results, the situation Though, like many others, Henry did not see thiswasnt dire.conflict as a surprise. Farmers in Ukraine need seeds for 897,000I think over the last seven years or so, many werehectares of land, and fertilizers for 802,000 hectares, preparing themselves mentally for something like this,according to Grygorenko. The biggest need, she says, she said. When you look at history, the Russian nationis fuel and pesticides. Without access to these tools, really started in Kyiv, in what is now Ukraine. Kyiv hasUkrainian farmers could face a loss of 30% of their really been a cultural epicenter for so long. Its a holyharvest.place. Thats what makes it so attractive to VladimirWe need seeds of different types: vegetables, soy- 897 Putin, but its also what makes the Ukrainian people sobean, corn (20% of all corn seeds are imported), andthousand strong. sunflowers (these seeds are imported 50%), she says.hectares of For others, like Siuzana Grygorenko, the invasion hasBut our government made several practical steps forland is what become an unfortunate new normal in which to adapt. supporting farmers. farmers in All around us, there is the war, the executive direc-In March, the Ukrainian government simplified someUkraine need tor of the Seed Association of Ukraine says. Every day,procedures for seeds certification abroad. As a result,seeds for.our team starts our work by reading the news. Someimported seeds move quickly from foreign producers days it is difficult to work and make any decisions afterto Ukrainian farmers.the reports we hear. In the agricultural sphere, the situa- In addition, the EU recently announced a program tion is also not good. allowing Ukrainian farmers to plant crops on conser- 4Theyve seen numerous deaths of friends and grow- vation acreage to increase crop production amid themillion is the ers in the area, Grygorenko says. As fighting continues,invasion.amount of another increasing issue appearing is destruction andThe program includes nearly $550 million in directhecatares open stolen goods. payments to Ukraine and gives farmers permission tofor crops due Ukrainian farmers are getting killed by Russianplant crops on fallow conservation acreage. Meanwhile,to fallow land.soldiers, agricultural machineries are being stolen, ourthe EU will not take a cut for greening payments from storage with the grain is destroyed and Ukraine (andthose crops. our fields) has been named the most mined country inRussias war against Ukraine has created a mul-the world, Grygorenko explains. That is the situationtitude of problems including in relation to global30%around us. food security, European Commission Executive Viceis the amount President Valdis Dombrovskis said in a release.of harvest Planting Problems Abound When it comes to food, now is the time for Europeloss Ukrainian One concern weighing heavy on global traders, farm- to show its solidarity: to help Ukraine, its people andfarmers could ers and consumer minds is whether Ukrainian farm- farmers, as well as vulnerable food-importing countriesface.ers to get seed in the ground in time for planting.around the world that face surging prices and potential The Food and Agriculture Organization of the Unitedshortages, he said.Nations (FAO) has key concerns about agricultureThe fallow land will open up four million hectares for production Ukraine currently, including: crops in 2022.$550 Disruption of winter harvest and spring planting Unfortunately, seed and pesticide transportation hasmillion is theAgricultural labor availability impacted by displace- been delayed in many regions. amount the ment Farmers paid for seeds and pesticides in severalEU is sendingAccess to and availability of agricultural inputs, par- regions (Zaporizhia region, Cherkasy region, Poltavato Ukraine ticularly fuel region), Grygorenko says. However, their partnersin direct aidDisruption of logistics and food supply chains could not deliver seeds for them.payments. Abandonment of and reduced access to agricul- Logistics continues to be an issue as well. tural land Some of our routes were destroyed or mined. ItsDamage to crops due to military activity just dangerous because we have military actions in fiveDestruction of food system assets and infrastruc- of our regions. Theres a similar situation with storage,ture she says. INTERNATIONAL EDITION 2022SEEDWORLD.COM /25'