b'AIDEN BROOKBUSINESS DEVELOPMENTBiologicals Help Build Better Soil MANAGER, CREATE @SeedWorldGroupabrook@seedworldgroup.com IN MY LAST COLUMN,wemining capabilities. For most plants seedworldgroup.com talked about what a balanced soilthe above ground benefits are obvi-microbiome could look like, andousproducing more biomass and what could throw it out of balance.higher quality yield. But, what can biologicals do toLong-term, what goes on below Fifteen Seconds for Successkeep your soil productive? ground is beneficial for the plant: Lets start with Trichoderma,larger root systems allow plants to which can be considered a firstexplore more soil for their nutrients. THE AVERAGE WEBSITEuser will give you 15colonizer in soils. That is, in sterileThis soil exploration is good for the seconds to share something that engages them orsoil, one of the first types of organ- soil and the soil microbiome in that catches their attention. Otherwise, theyre going toisms that can move into that envi- it improves soil tilth and therefore bounce and leave the page. ronment and survive on only whataccess to air, water and nutrients. So how do keep this from happening? is already present is Trichoderma.Plant roots exude carbohydrates A big piece of this is having content that capturesOther microbes may need nutrientson which microbial communities your visitors attention. So how do you write goodthat are already bioavailable, butthrive. Over time, these dynamics content for your website? The first step is to do someTrichoderma has a habit of movingbetween microbial community and planning and strategic thinking. in and making itself at home inroot growth are highly beneficial for Defined your websites purpose: Is it informationalthe most unlikely situations.Thealleviating compaction issues, but it only or do you want it to help fill your lead funnel? worlds tiniest couch surfer! doesnt happen overnight. Know your audience: What problems do theyTrichoderma is an aggressiveAs mentioned in my previous want to solve? What words or phrases might youcolonizer and has a large role inarticle, soil microbial communi-audience be searching for? decomposition. Soils that haveties can become out of balance Research your competition: How do they presentbeen sterilized either actively orfor many factors.In soils that are information? What products or services do theypassively or that are contaminatedotherwise generally healthy (well focus on? might have little microbial activity.structured, chemically balanced, With your goals and audience clearly defined, youOr they may have microbial activ- uncontaminated), the microbiome can them move into content creation. From a market- ity that isnt favorable or useful forcan rebalance on its own if all the ing standpoint, good website content is content thatgrowing crop plants. Trichoderma iskey pieces are in place.However, has been optimized for search engines. Why? Searchgood at freeing nutrients, breakingsome soil has been out of balance engine optimization (SEO) help users find your sitedown organic matter, and improv- for too long and may not be able to using the keywords and phrases that your audience ising soils through these activities.recover without human assistance: searching for. From your audience standpoint however,Other microbes may be able toit may be severely compacted, there are some elements to employ to ensure yourserve these functions, but they canchemically imbalanced, pesticides content and website stays audience-friendly. be slower or less resistant to harshover-used thus sterilizing the soil, Educate, Rather than Sell: Generally speaking,or low nutrient conditions.and so on. In these cases, careful website visitors want to learn; they dont want to beWhile Trichoderma might bemonitoring, management, and the sold to. By providing useful, informative content, youworking hard under your soil touse of beneficial first colonizing can set yourself apart as a trusted leader and expert. make nutrients bioavailable, therebiologicals as discussed here will go Leave Breathing Room: Break your text up byare many above ground affects asa long way towards improving not using lists, small paragraphs, and good headings. Thiswell. This activity stimulates plantsonly the soil chemistry but also the will help readers scan your website content for exactlyto grow bigger and produce morestructure.In time, those roots will what they are looking for. yield both above and below grounddig deep again.Be Clear and Concise: Technical language has aowing to Trichodermas nutrient time and a place but be sure to use it strategically. It is more important to ensure your content is easily under-stood by your audience without turning people away.High-quality website content is one of the best strategies to get traffic to your website and traction forMOLLY CADLE-DAVIDSONyour products or services. By taking the time to planU.S. R&D MANAGER, ABM/AGRAUXINE BY LESAFFREand investing to develop good content you will notm.cadle-davidson@agrauxine.lesaffre.comonly get found, but youll also establish yourself as aagrauxine.ustrusted expert to do business with.INTERNATIONAL EDITION 2022SEEDWORLD.COM /41'