b'T heePPrrooooffiissiinntthheePPoottaattooeess::ThHyybbrriiddBBrreeeeddiinnggTTeecchhnnoollooggyyBBeenneeffiittssGGrroowweerrssaarroouunnddtthheeWWoorrllddHSolynta develops hybrid potato breeding technology, with the goal to create a more sustainableand grower-friendly future for potatoes.Solyntasmissionistocreateglobalsolutionsforfoodandnutritionalinsecuritywiththehelpofin-house,highlydevelopedhybridbreeding WHY HYBRID BREEDING?technology. Solyntas method gives growers better, more robust and more Solynta is revolutionizing the creation ofcost-efficient ways to grow potato crops.new potato varieties to be rapid andIt only takes 25 grams of Solynta seeds compared to 2,500 kgs of seed fully customizable. tubers to plant a hectare of nutritious & natural potatoes.Hybrid breeding has already catalyzed industry progress for crops like maize, Hybrid breeding is a non-GMO form ofsugar beets and tomatoes, among others. Solyntas seeds and technology dependable breeding that allows Solyntaallow potato farmers to join this elite group, helping them produce potato researchers to target the traits neededcrops with predictable yields that are fully customized to local conditions anddesiredcharacteristics.WithSolynta,newpotatovarietiesspecializedfor most by growers and create newspecific regions and climates can be created quickly and easily.varieties customized for maximumgrower benefit. Solynta designs hybrid potato varieties with growers in mind. Solynta putsgrowersmoreincontroloftheircrops,enablingsimplifiedlogisticalcoordination, clean starting material and high-performing yield. Solynta is While traditional breeding methods canbreeding the future of potatoes to be less reliant on pesticides and naturally take more than 15 years to produce adisease-resistant. stable new variety, Solyntas technologyWith clean starting material that growers can easily store for future use, cuts this time to 2-4 years. Solyntaismakingiteasiertoproducecropswithbetteryields,fewerdiseases and more consistent potatoes.Solyntashybridbreedingtechnologyistransformingtheglobalpotatomarket. While many agri-tech companies focus on established markets in "As the true potato pioneer, Solynta isNorth America and Western Europe, Solynta is developing potato solutions proud to deliver hardy, nutritious, non-that will transform agriculture across all markets and ensure in-need regions GMO potatoes that can grow acrosshave the tools to scale their potato production. diverse global climates." - CharlesSolving the world food and nutritional crisis is a global issue, and the potato Miller, Commercial Director, Solyntais uniquely positioned to play a role in solving these challenges. Potatoes areone of the most nutrient-rich crops available to growers in different climate Learn more about Solyntas hybridzones. They are the fourth-most produced food crop in the worldfor agoodreason!WithvitaminsandmineralslikevitaminsB1,B6,andA, breeding technology by visitingpotassium,copper,manganese,phosphorus,anddietaryfiber,improving www.solynta.com or contactingpotato production will also help improve nutritional access for those in need. info@solynta.com.'