b'FEEDING THE WORLD EXTENDS BEYOND THE SEED INDUSTRYAfter reflecting on the UN Food Systems Summit, the industry knowsits path forward for change. Alex MartinLAST YEAR,the United Nations (UN) held the first-everThe industry had never been really visible in previous initia-UN Food Systems Summit on Sept. 23, the culmination oftives, he says. But, for the first time, we got the podium to a yearlong international dialogue. With the goal of opening acontribute. And, in almost every meeting, we emphasized that discussion about changing the globes food systems, the UNwhatever you think, everything starts with a seed. On top of this, called it a historic opportunity to drive the global recoverywe underlined the crucial role farmers play.from COVID-19 and get everyone back on track to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030.Vegetables Find Their PlaceThe Summit brought together all UN member states andSince the Summit, work hasnt stopped on the food systems constituencies around the world, but it didnt just stop there.front. Continuously finding ways to improve and change is top-Associations and non-governmental organizations (NGOs)of-mind for ISF. across agriculture joined the table as well, including theWe have enormous challenges, says Vicente Navarro, senior International Seed Federation (ISF), to look at how agriculturevice president of BASFs vegetable seed business and vice-could better work together to provide more solutions.chair of ISFs value chain coordination group. We have to With seed being the start of all crops, it was onlyproduce more with less to feed 10 billion people natural to see how seed fit into food systems.by 2050, with less water, with declining soils, The Food Systems Summit was sup- with biodiversity challenges and with posed to be an accelerator for achievingclimate change.the SDGs linked to food and agricul- Because of that, Navarro says ture, says Marco van Leeuwen, man- seeds are more important than aging director of Rijk Zwaan and viceever. president of ISF. The seed sectorWithout seeds, theres no was lucky to get the possibilityharvest, he says. That makes to be involved in the discussions,us a critical partner in the and there were several pathwaysmission to provide food and that allowed us to give input onto achieve food security and developments from the seednutrition for everyone.sector perspective. Within the seed sector, Before this, van Leeuwenone of the biggest industries says the industry had few oppor- engaging in discussion and tunities to connect on such a highchange with food systems is level.the vegetable industry. 30/ SEEDWORLD.COMINTERNATIONAL EDITION 2022'