b'WHATS THE FIRST THING YOU NOTICEINTERNATIONAL EDITION 2022 / THE INKERS MAIN OFFICETRUST.PUBLISHER MARKETING ABOUT A PERSON? Shawn Brook Shelby Colbert 1395-A S. Columbia Road PMB 360 sbrook@seedworldgroup.com Theresa Ramsoomair Grand Forks, ND 58201-99071.First thing I notice is that it isEDITORIAL DIRECTOR tramsoomair@seedworldgroup.comgreat to finally meet with people inSonja Begemann CREATIVE SUBSCRIPTIONS person again!! sbegemann@seedworldgroup.com Lesley Nakonechny, KyleSeed World is published six times a Dratowany, Theresa Ramsoomair year. North American subscription 2.An accent! I love trying to pinEDITOR rates are: one year USD $70, two where people are fromwhetherAlex Martin CREATE STRATEGY SERVICESyears USD $120. The internationalPut your trust in our industry leading experts in its within the U.S. or outside of theamartin@seedworldgroup.com Aiden Brook rate for one year is USD $200.wholesale seed and contract seed production. U.S. MANAGING EDITOR abrook@seedworldgroup.com To subscribe, please email 3.The first thing I notice about aMichelle ClarkeCIRCULATIONsubscribe@seedworldgroup.com. We are an open pollinated vegetable, herb mclarke@seedworldgroup.com Dean Frenchperson is their grammar. ART DIRECTOR dfrench@seedworldgroup.com WANT MORE SEED WORLD?and flower seed company that offers you the 4.How they treat other people andLesley NakonechnyCONTRIBUTORSFollow us online at:make me feel. lnakonechny@seedworldgroup.com Eloy Corona, Laura Handke, LisaSeedWorld.comknowledge, resources and creativity to create facebook.com/SeedWorld5.Their eyes. EDITORIAL STAFFKopochinski, Jonathan Shaver,twitter.com/seedworldmag quality, beautiful and terrific tasting results.Marcel Bruins, AshleyMelissa Shipmanlinkedin.com/company/seed-6.Smile! So great to see thoseRobinson,Ally Roden,EDITORIAL BOARDworld-mediaMarc ZienkiewiczChris Boomsma, Bryan Gerard, more often these days with the maskADVERTISING/SALES Amanda Patin We serve the globemandates lifting!7.After so many Zoom and TeamsCraig Armstrong ask about our extensive inventory.carmstrong@seedworldgroup.commeetings, its great to see my professional colleagues are threeDean Frenchdimensional! dfrench@seedworldgroup.com Please recycle where facilities exist.Sam Mostafa 8.I notice the way they carrysmostafa@seedworldgroup.com No part of this magazine may be themselves. reproduced without the writtenKen Squirepermission of the publisher.ksquire@seedworldgroup.com Printed in EnglandCONTENTIDIGITALISOCIALIVIDEOILEAD GENIPODCASTINGA DYNAMIC NEW PLATFORM FOR CONTENT MARKETING & LEAD GEN FINELY CRAFTED SEEDSINSIDERS gives you the marketing and content development support, tools and proven strategy you need to effectively position your organization as a leader in the seed industry and meet the modern challenges of content marketing and lead gen. Our newest version of INSIDERS is packed with new, relevant features like video content marketing, podcasting, social media marketing, lead gen and prospect acquisition tools. Andas our exclusive INSIDER for your vertical, youll gain valuable top-of-mind awareness enabling you to dominate the market and out flank the competition. Your exclusive category awaits. Contact us now to learn more and schedule an INSIDERS demonstration.seedworldgroup.com/INSIDERS Albany, OregonU.S.A.541.928.7100info@wildwestseed.com6/ SEEDWORLD.COMINTERNATIONAL EDITION 2022 wildwestseed.com'