b"Parliament to perform such comprehen- These novel genomic techniques sive Impact AssessmentCommission,provide a way to overcome some of theseWATCH DISCUSSIONS ABOUT Member States and Parliament now havechallenges we will face, Gonzalez says.FARM TO FORK, NOVEL GENOMIC to discuss in earnest how to implement theIt would provide the market with newTECHNIQUES AND MOREinitiatives and targets as promised: in a wayvarieties that perform better and achieve that leaves no one behind, Euroseeds saidsustainability goals.in response to the vote by Parliament. EUs commitment to sustainabil- With so many policies changing, practices evolving As criticism for the strategy con- ityand Farm to Forkcould openand activists fighting agriculture at seemingly every tinues to come to light, many questiondoors for novel genomic techniques,stop, it can be hard to keep up. If there was a way why agricultural groups' views were notin fact, a recent study by the European considered before publishing the recom- Commission pushes the issue. to access detailed, valuable information about mendation. From seed companies to rowNovel genomic techniques can con- topics that matter to you and other seed industry crop farmers to vegetable and livestocktribute to a more sustainable food systemprofessionals, would you latch on?producers, there isnt a single facet ofand therefore, current GMO legislationLast year, Seed World Group launched a weekly agriculture that wont be impacted byadopted in 2001 is not a fit for these tech-video series called Seed SpeaksFarm to Fork. nologies, according to a press release. Each week, hosts from the Commission. bring together experts to disseminate top-of-mind Opportunities for Innovators Independent stakeholders echo theissues in the ag industry. The most recent season With increased organic acres, decreasedfindings. highlights Science Under Firetechnology under pesticides and less land, companies willEuropean agriculture will need theseattack from activists and misunderstanding.fight an uphill battle to maintainincreasenew technologies to develop plants production. It could provide opportunitybetter suited to environmental Its available on Seed Worlds Facebook Live,for differentiation and innovation. challenges, i.e., more resistant to dis- Seed World Groups YouTube Channel and will be Increasing organic land is a trend wereeases and harmful insects, allowingposted on-demand at Seed World, Germination, already seeing, says Cesar Gonzalez,the decreased use of chemicals andAlberta Seed Guide European Seeds websitesand Euroseeds manager of public affairs.resilience to climate change, accord- each week.Right now, were around 8.5% organicing to the French Association of Plant production in Europe, including perma- Biotechnologies. Make sure to catch up to learn more about what nent crops and pastures. We have nothingAll benefits align with goals describedscientific practices are under threat.against organic if its a demand-drivenin Farm to Forkpending novel genomic increase. Companies are willing to engagetechniques get the green light. Watch the episode that dives into Farm to Fork here:and provide seed for that growing market.The knowledge gap in Farm to ForkNext Stepsis showcased in the move to organic onWhile Parliament did vote to accept Farm 25% of total agricultural land. Consumersto Fork, it wasnt without caveat. The law-desire more organic producefruits,makers recognized to achieve the goals nuts and vegetables. However, 25% totaloutlined in the strategy, more research organic production cannot be achievedneeds to be completed.through produce alone. The amendment to the strategy states: The question remains, what are theserecent studies, conclude that the imple-other production practices that will movementation of the Strategys targets would to organic? Gonzalez continues. And willhave substantial impacts on agricultural there be policies that incentivize farm- production in the EU; whereas these ers to move to organic while remainingstudies underline the need for robust, economically viable? scientific ex-ante impact assessments, Not only is the switch from conven- covering sustainability from the eco-tional production to organic costly, butnomic, social and environmental perspec-farmers could also lose money in yieldstives and the need to take into account with organic and the overall call to reducecumulative effects, possible trade-offs, pesticides by 50%. One positive fromthe availability of the means to achieve Farm to Fork is recognizing the value ofthe targets and different farming models plant breeding, including novel genomicacross the Member States as part of any techniques, and the importance of ensur- legislative proposals under the Farm to ing seed security and diversity in theFork Strategy.report as a precondition to achieve theThe call for more research is wel-strategys objectives. comed by industry.SW58/ SEEDWORLD.COMINTERNATIONAL EDITION 2022"