b'Playing Politics some quarters not to engage with China, That plan was released by the Chineseespecially from Washington.government in September of 2021, andBut we need to remember what the identifies resource protection, pollutionAmericans did to us with the renego-control, restoration of agricultural ecology,tiation of the NAFTA agreement. They and the development of a low-carbon agri- slipped in a clause at the last minute cultural industrial chain as key goals to bethat was designed to scare us away from achieved between the years 2021-2025. engaging China in negotiations for a trade As part of the plan, China wishes toagreement. Meanwhile, what were the develop high-quality crop varieties, whileAmericans doing? They were negotiating creating up to 1,800 new agriculturaltheir own deal with China that gave U.S. product brands which put an emphasisfarmers a huge advantage over Canadian on green production standards, accordingfarmers in the market, he says.to a USDA Foreign Service English sum- Syngenta CEO Erik Fyrwald was mary of the document. recently quoted by Fortune magazine Dade says countries like Canada cannoting that some 75% of the worlds help them do it, despite political tensionspatents in agricultural gene editing are that many believe are resulting in thecoming out of China and China is not continued ban by China on shipments ofonly a player in the field but has become Canadian canola seed. a clear leader in this area.Even when they banned our canolaSyngenta Seeds sales grew 25 per cent seed shipments, they purchased ourto $2.8 billion in the first nine months canola oil from the United Arab Emirates.of 2021. Syngentas field crop sales in So, our product will find a way to go toChina tripled due to the consolidation China one way or another, Dade says. and growth of Chinas Winall Hi-techCarlo Dade follows Canada-China trade for the Since market access issues affectingSeed, which develops watermelon, melon,Canada West Foundation. canola seed trade started in early Marchwheat, pumpkin and vegetable seeds. Photo courtesy Canada West Foundation2019, the licenses of two companies,China has been working to revamp Richardson and Viterra, to export canolaits seed industry as of late. The Global seed to China remain suspended. OtherConference on Green Development of exporters are seeing some purchases ofSeed Industries, organized by the Food canola seed, with exports down betweenand Agriculture Organization of the 50% and 70% compared to pre-blockageUnited Nations (FAO), was held virtually levels, notes the Canola Council ofon Nov. 5. Zhang Taolin, vice-minister of Canada on its website. Agriculture and Rural Affairs of China, Seed exports to China have fallen fromwas invited to the conference and deliv-$2.8 billion in 2018 before the restrictions,ered a video speech.to $800 million in 2019 and $1.4 billion inZhang said that China, a major player 2020, according to the council. in agriculture and a large seed consumer, On Sept. 24, 2021, an agreement washas always attached great importance to reached which brought the extraditionthe development of seed industries, and case against Huawei Chief Financialhas adopted a series of effective meas-Officer Meng Wanzhou to a close andures to promote green development and allowed Michael Kovrig and Michaelensure farmers access to quality seeds.Spavor, who had been detained inChina is also planning a regulatory China for over 1,000 days, to return tooverhaul of its seed rules, in order to help Canada. The Canola Council congratu- pave the way for the approval of new lated the Government of Canada andGMO crops.Canadian diplomats for resolving a majorWhen it comes to trade, we can trust issue impacting Canada-China relationsChina about as much as we can trust and hope it leads to an environmentthe United States. Fact is, the U.S. has to resolve the outstanding canola tradea longer and harsher history of beingSyngenta CEO Erik Fyrwald was quoted by Fortune issue, says Canola Council President Jimunderhanded with Canada on trade thanmagazine noting that in gene editing patents, China Everson. does China, and we just signed a newis not only a player in the field but has become a trade deal with Washington. So if weclear leader in this area. Pressure from Down South can manage one, we should be able toPhoto courtesy Syngenta GroupDade says there will be pressure frommanage the other, Dade adds. INTERNATIONAL EDITION 2022 GERMINATION.CA 3'