b'Seeking: Every Country and Every Crop in the Seed IndustryISF highlights diversity as a key tenant of the associations future and the future of the seed industry at large.Sonja BegemannWHILE THERE AREvast differences in peoples culturestilled spirits, wine and pet foods, according to USDAs Global and way of life, theres at least one constant: everyoneAgricultural Information Network. Its a growing market accord-needs to eat. Whether youre from Kansas City, Mo. or Bangkok,ing to the agency, underscoring the importance of access to high Thailand, food is a critical part of everyones life. quality seed products.That means agriculture is a universal occupationand seed, where all food comes from, is critical globally. Representing Crops of All KindsISFs members represent this diversity of background whileWhile in the U.S., corn and soybeans reign, thats not the case keeping the focus on one thing: sustaining innovation and move- globally. Vegetables are more large-scale in European and Asian ment of quality seed. countries and many other crops make their way into global fields.Hailing from Bangkok, Boonyanath Nathwong is presidentFor ISF, this means representation of not only geography, but of THASTAThai Seed Trade Associationand a new mem- different crops are critical.ber-observer of the International Seed Federation (ISF). TheWere heavily involved in forage crops such as grasses, leg-organization represents nearly 500 members including seedumes, clovers, alfalfa and global leader in turf grasses for sports companies and producers. turf and private gardens, says Truels Damsgaard, DLF CEO. We If you look at the statistics, Thailand is about 10 or 12 in termsare also a leader in sugar beet seeds and involved in vegetable of global export share, Nathwong says. Weve had a reputationseeds. Our geographic footprint is global.for a long time of high-quality production, and we want to keepFrom grasses to herbs and spices, its important to involve it that way. members who represent all kinds of seed. For some, it highlights The country started using pure corn and vegetable seedsthe need for understanding so companies will invest in breeding about 15 years ago, and THASTA is interested in providing itsand other new products related to crop improvement.members with more information about different technology inWhen we think about most crops, the challenges are similar the seed industry.and need support, Damsgaard says. There are of course spe-Enter ISF, where member associations can engage in conver- cificities, but its helpful when you can speak to other seed com-sations that help inform members about breeding innovations,panies and colleagues and thats what Ive found helpful about new seed treatments and other technology related to seeds. being members of ISF. Its important that we are able to support The key benefit weve seen from ISF is the knowledge andeach other and focus on our shared interests and challenges.information database, she adds. Knowledge is fundamental for the sustainability of our industry because without knowledge,Have a Voice in Global Decisionsyou cannot go further. Its especially important in the context ofISF acts as an advocate for the seed sector on a global perspec-climate change. tive, providing information, resources and advocacy as needed. Another new member of ISF, the Guatemalan Seed GrowersWhile companies compete and countries even compete for Association (ASEG), represents the countrys research, breeding,export value, the need for a stable seed supply remains top-of-production and seed marketing of horticultural, grain, floriculturemind for all.and grass seed. When it comes to global seed trade ISF might be more We joined because we share the vision, mission, values andimportant today than ever before, Damsgaard, a former ISF priorities of ISF, says Waldemar Dell Campollo of ASEG. It allowspresidents, says. There are new technologies becoming avail-us to support our members to advance and promote the seedable all the time when it comes to plant breeding. Whether those industry in Guatemala as a respected global leader of seed quality. technologies are approved or not in parts of the world play Guatemala exports USD 1.2 billion in agricultural productsan important role in the seed businesss ability to deliver on its annually, including red meats, poultry, eggs, vegetables, dis- important role in agriculture.SW20/ SEEDWORLD.COMINTERNATIONAL EDITION 2022'