b'worldSTATUSis a serious problem as thesurveyed tracts was 25-30%.that we are respectful of theIbadan and Umudike Seeds testing period needed beforeOf the 150 symptomatic rootdivision and balance betweenbased at the National Root the right is granted can easilysamples, most of the fungalpowers when it comes toCrops Research Institute take six years. Furthermore,colonies obtained werethe executive and legislative(NRCRI), Umuahia, jointly the limited scope of protec- identified as Macrophominabranches of government,commissioned two brand new tion for harvested material isphaseolina (syn. Rhizoctoniaaccording to a translation,18-ton trucks to ease logistical particularly disadvantageousbataticola) causing dry rootadding that the marijuanachallenges in moving cassava for horticultural varieties thatrot in chickpea, while isola- proposal has been around forseed.are grown in territories outsidetions from 10-15% samplesa long time. IITA Director General the EU with a low-level or norecurrently yielded the newThe president alsoNteranya Sanginga presided IP protection and are subse- pathogen closely resemblingacknowledged that theover the ceremony at the quently sold in the EU.Macrophomina phaseolina. legislature is acting in accord- Agricultural Transformation Source: EUROSEEDS Previous reports of E.ance with a Supreme Courtbuilding of the CGIAR-IITA multirostrata causing root rotmandate to lift the federalheadquarters in Ibadan, were from Australia in corian- prohibition on marijuana afterNigeria. The trucks were STATUS INDIA der. Studies are underway toit determined that the ban onpurchased with support from A soil-borne pathogen, newexamine if this new patho- personal use and possession isthe Building an Economically to chickpea growing regionsgen has a climate changeunconstitutional in 2018. Sustainable Integrated Seed in India, was detected duringaspect to it. Since the diseaseWhile a legalization billSystem (BASICS-I) project.a real-time survey being con- symptoms are very similar toadvanced through severalCassava has the potential ducted regularly to study thedry root rot and hard to dif- committees earlier this year,to provide more than twice spike in soil-borne diseases.ferentiate visually, molecularthe reform effort has beenthe amount of food and After intensive morphologicalcharacterization is needed forstalled due to the coronavi- income it is currently provid-and molecular characteri- identification. rus pandemic. The court hasing to farmers, processors, zation, the pathogen wasDue to soil-borne naturebeen pushing back the dead- seed producers, and consum-identified as Ectophoma mul- of this pathogen, fieldline for lawmakers to enacters. The way to maximize tirostratawhich to the bestpractices like deep summerthe policy change, and as itthe potential of cassava is to of our knowledge, this is theploughing, cultivation ofstands, they currently havestrengthen the seed system first report of E. multirostrataalternative crops and soiluntil December 15. by ensuring that quality early causing root rot of chickpeasolarization can reduce thisThe bill was revised duringgeneration seed of improved worldwide. The sequence ofdisease severity to somea joint meeting of the Justice,varieties is made available to this new pathogen was sub- extent. Health, Legislative Studies andfarmers at the right time and mitted to the National CenterSource: ICRISAT Public Safety Committees inquantities. IITA GoSeed was for Biotechnology InformationMarch. launched under the BASICS-I GenBank database and theThe proposal would allowproject to handle the produc-findings were published inSTATUS MEXICO adults 18 and older to pos- tion and commercial sale of Plant Disease , a leadingThe president of Mexicosess and cultivate marijuanacertified early generation cas-international journal for rapidsays that marijuana legaliza- for personal use. Individualssava seed.reporting of research on new,tion will advance throughcould grow up to 20 regis- Speaking at the event, DG emerging, and establishedCongress when it reconvenestered plants as long as theSanginga congratulated IITA plant disease. in September. total yield doesnt exceedGoSeed Vegetative Manager, Infected chickpea sam- During a press conference,480 grams per year. MedicalMercy Elohor Diebiru-Ojo, ples were collected fromPresident Andrs Manuelpatients could apply to cul- and the entire IITA GoSeed 300 different fields in fiveLpez Obrador was askedtivate more than 20 plants,team for the progress made statesMadhya Pradesh,about a recent meeting withhowever. in distributing quality seed, Maharashtra, Andhraa key senator who is cham- Source: Mexico Marijuanaespecially during the current Pradesh, Telangana, andpioning the cannabis reformMovement COVID-19 crisis. I can only be Karnatakaspanning alegislation and whether hesproud of GoSeed and IITA, diverse range of climates.supportive of the proposal. he says.An average incidence ofHe emphasized that itSTATUS NIGERIA Source: IITASWsoil-borne pathogens in themust be taken into accountOn Aug. 7, IITA GoSeed, in 84/ SEEDWORLD.COMOCTOBER 2020'