b'tures. Total protein is one analytic thatThose varieties evolved with the beer is important to brewers. The variety ofrequirement for that region. In the United grain is also important because it setsStates, the Intermountain West, including the analytics for that grain during maltingIdaho and Wyoming, are great places for to determine how much the proteins areMany years ago, a very wise barley production. broken down into amino acids. In terms of beautiful, bright malt barley Malt is what drives beer. Bells uses abrewer said that the best methodfor beer, Mallett says a brewer will have lot of different types of malt to pull thatfor making good quality beer a hard time doing better than using the beer together. The spectrum of maltsbarley that comes out of Idaho. usedchocolate malts, dark malts, blackfrom low-quality malt has not "The goal of a brewer is best malts, caramel malts -come together inyet been discovered. I truly believeexpressed when they get out of the way this beautiful harmony. It is a continuousand let the flavors derived from nature\'s spectrum of flavor that develops withinthat is still true today. bounty shine forth. In some ways, I look at that beer. John Mallett the beer lover with a glass of beer and if "A beer enthusiast will focus on thethey have the sense of being able to reach hops, says Mallett. The hops are a muchback through time and space to the land lower percentage of what goes into beerfrom where those high-quality ingredients in terms of weight. Malt brings an incred- are derived, I will have done my job well," ible array of things to beer. All the sourcesthe key attributes that malt brings to ourMallett says. "Many years ago, a very wise of the alcohol, all the sources of color,product." brewer said that a method for making body and a significant percentage theThe best source for malting barleygood quality beer from low-quality aromatics all come from barley. Hops,depends on the kind of beer being made.malt has not yet been discovered. I truly besides adding flavor, don\'t bring much.Mallett says there are some very goodbelieve that is still true today. You need They don\'t contribute to alcohol, bodytraditional barleys grown in the Britishgood quality ingredients going in to get or many of these things. Body is one ofIsles which make nice British-style beers.good quality beer coming out."SWPartnering with You to Deliver the Industrys BestAlfalfa Partners top priority is providing premium alfalfa varieties to help you improve profi tability. We do it through sciencebringing over 30 years of industry leading genetics into each variety. We do it through research and developmentutilizing data from fi eld trials, our greenhouse, and current market trends. And we listensupporting the challenges of your operation with our best solutionsso we both succeed.Alfalfa, Sorghum & MoreNow Under One RoofCall 720.506.9191. Visit AlfalfaPartners.com, Facebook, and Twitter6/ SEEDWORLD.COMOCTOBER 2020'