b'agronomic practices and climate-smart technologies. EWS trains farmers to gain knowl-edge and skills on better agronomic practices to optimize the genetic potential of improved varieties, he says.In many cultures, vegetables are considered womens crops and have been historically ignored government and NGOs, focusing on so-called "row crops," with a food security mindset. East-West Seed is happy to see this mindset change towards crops that increase farmer\'s income.Our champion varieties that give farmers good income in various coun-tries are onion, pumpkin, sweet corn, bitter gourd, cucumber, ridge gourd, and tomato, Van Der Feltz says.Working TogetherCollaborations between both private andThe FAO notes that the seed industry provides healthy seeds that are routinely tested to public organizations and businesses haveprevent or control plant pests that may affect seed quality.PHOTO: FAO/FERENC ISZA / FAObeen crucial to food security progress. One result of these efforts is thehybrids, to ensure the cost of goods soldnot yet over; only one-tenth of maize area International Seed Health Initiative foris low enough for small and mediumis currently planted with climate-resilient Vegetable Crops, a seed industry plat- enterprise seed companies, he says.and disease resistant varieties. form formed in 1993 under the aegis ofIts about bringing the supply andIn 2010, there were only around the International Seed Federation (ISF),demand together. 400,000 hectares planted with certi-which develops reference methods forOne of the lessons weve learnedfied seed of drought tolerant maize in vegetable crops for a consistent evalua- is we need an accelerated rate of vari- sub-Saharan Africa. Currently there is an tion of seed health.etal turnover, that is, replacing old andestimated 4.5 million hectares of certified-Its methods for bacterial canker andobsolete varieties with improved genetics.drought tolerant maize varieties planted, viruses in tomato are used all around theIn Africa, many of the countries are stillout of a total maize area of nearly 38 mil-world, Montuori says.growing 30-year-old varieties, Prasannalion hectares. More businesses and agencies aresays.The world trade in agriculture prod-focused on developing partnerships thanIn Ethiopia, for example, Ethiopianucts has grown almost threefold in value ever before. national partners and CIMMYT workedover the past years, from 2000-2016, There is a recognition now that theseintensively to replace an old hybridlargely in emerging economies and devel-are complex challenges and no one entityBH660 with a climate-resilient BH661.oping countries, reaching $1.6 trillion, holds the key to solving them, Kunz says,Ethiopias national maize yieldMontuori says. mentioning the Modern Breeding Projectdoubled from two tons to four tons perAnd its a good thing, as life depends where Bayer plant science experts workhectare, Prasanna says. Thats what weon it, literally.with the International Institute for Tropicalneed to emulate, and the credit shouldPlants are at the core of human life, Agriculture (IITA). The goal is to modern- go to improved varieties, improvedand the life of the planet, Montuori says. ize breeding programs for banana, cas- agronomy, as well as government, policy,They make up 80 percent of the food we sava, cowpea, maize, soybean and yam. institutional and extension support.eat and produce the oxygen we breathe. Prasanna says much of CIMMYTsWe all have a role to play. success in Africa, Latin America and AsiaStriving for Success Private sector, governments, farmers relies on a dedicated team of seed systemWe are on the right track, but the finishand agribusiness, the scientific commu-specialists.line is not necessarily in sight.nity, travelers and citizens can all con-These are not breeding teams, butPrasanna says there have been manytribute to this important global goal with rather they are looking at the varietalpositive impacts of the work done byspecific actions, Giuliani says.SWcharacteristics and farmers preferences,CIMMYT and IITA in sub-Saharan Africa as well as the producibility of thoseover the last 10-15 years, but the journey is 72/ SEEDWORLD.COMOCTOBER 2020'