b'A 1942 USDA poster created to promote hemp production for the war effort.Forging a Path to CommercializationThis years National Association of Plant Breeders meeting focused heavily on how to ensure breeding goals translate into commercial success.Marc ZienkiewiczTHE ROAD TOcommercializing awas desperately needed by the American crop can be a long and winding one,Navy), encouraging farmers to grow as but all successfully marketed crop varie- much hemp as possible. ties have one thing in common: innovativeThe war drove near-universal adoption breeders who figured out a way to takeof hybrid corn in the United States. Even a plant to the next level, and a captivein Russia they recognized the utility of audience in the form of growers andcorn starch for munitions, said University consumers who all want that crop and theof Nebraska-Lincoln corn breeder Tom products derived from it. Hoegemeyer during his presentation on That was the unofficial theme ofcorn breeding history.this years NAPB virtual meeting, putToday, more corn is produced than any together by an organizing committee atother grain crop globally.the University of Nebraska-Lincoln led byWayne Hanna, NAPB Lifetime AchievementHemp, of course, would follow a much wheat breeder Stephen Baenziger. Award winner, examines a pine tree.different trajectory. After the war ended During a range of talks held via Zoom,PHOTO COURTESY UGA TIFTON in 1945, the crop reverted to its de facto it became clear that what has driven theillegal status. It wouldnt be until 2018 that success of crops like hybrid corn has beenfederal legislation allowed American farm-a thirst from both growers and consum- ers to grow it once again.ers for something profitable, practical andBut why would two plants take such affordable. drastically different journeys toward com-During World War II, massive quanti- mercialization?ties of corn starch were required to makeWhats acceptable to consumers and bombs for the American war effort. Hempwhat will add value for growers and proces-also got a boost during the same time sors are sometimes two different things, in 1942 the U.S. government released asaid Brandon Wardyn, corn breeder and 14-minute film called Hemp for Victoryzone lead for Corteva Agrisciences North explaining the many practical uses of theCharlie Rohwer is working to develop newAmerica Far West Evaluation Zone. crop (including as fiber for rope, whichhop varieties for craft brewers in Minnesota.According to Wardyn, for a variety PHOTO COURTESY UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA52/ SEEDWORLD.COMOCTOBER 2020'