b'Finding a specific, local ecotype seed can have positive relationships with the pollinators in that area. Theres an overall consumer plugged into the environment,their way into the flower, where they pollinate it as they gather he says. More and more gardeners are aware of whats happen- pollen and nectar.ing to pollinators and want to do their part to help. If you use plant material from a greater distance, it could work fine in a specific location, especially if it matches the climate Local Native Seeds Benefit Pollinators type, Frischie says. If youre trying to plant a general pollina-Along with the concern about pollinators and the rise in demandtor habitat, then a general mix can be fine. If you want to target of natives comes another hotly debated topic in the nativespecific pollinators, soil types or other unique characteristics of a industrythe idea of local native seeds. location, then youd need a more specific mix.Local native seeds can have a wide variety of meaning. YouFrischie notes that another important part of creating your can get native seeds that are local to one particular state. Youperfect ecotype is ensuring the ecotypes are matched to the can get native seeds that are local to one particular region of aenvironment where they will be planted. state. Or, you can get down to the nitty-gritty business of it andIf you use a seed mix from a different climate, it could cause look for natives local to one particular county of the state.a seasonal mismatch, in terms of temperature or precipitation But why does this localized seed matter more than just aand when the plant will be grow and flower, relative to when its normal, native mixed bag?pollinators are active, she says. If a flower blooms earlier than There are three main aspects of the value of local ecotypethe average time for a location, it might be finished blooming by seed, says Stephanie Frischie, an agronomist and native plantthe time its pollinators emerge and become active. They will have materials specialist at The Xerces Society. Theres the environ- missed their food source and the flowers will go unpollinated and mental match for a plant to grow wellclimate, soil type andun- or under-fertilized.soil moisture. Theres the the ecological matchthe relation- Overall, Frischie says the biggest benefits to finding natives ships between native plants and local wildlife, including pol- from a specific ecotype comes down to one thing. linators. Timing, or phenological match is the third critical pieceWere just trying to match nature as much as possible, shethe season when a plant is flowering matches the season whensays. its pollinators are actively seeking pollen and nectar. Though no one can debate the benefits that matching ecotypes Bumblebees and gentians arean example of natural matchto a specific location provides, seed companies find that this can be between flower, pollinator and season, Frischie explains. a challenging task to meet the demand for.Bumblebees, and gentians depend on one another, sheIf Im talking to a customer who wants a specific ecotype from says. Gentian flowers bloom in late fall and have a somewhata county, and even if they onlywant an ounce of seed, it can be closed, bottle-like shape. Bumblebees are really one of the fewchallenging to source, he says. insects that can access and pollinate the flowers. However, if youre just looking to build a general, pollinator habi-One reason Frischie gives for this is that bumblebees havetat, Lizotte says that a general mix still can achieve your dreams.relatively large bodies that allow them to be active during coolNative mixes still get you the pollinator benefits you need, he temperatures later in the year, when smaller bees are alreadysays. You dont always need to get down to that specific ecotype, overwintering. Bumblebees also have enough strength to pushbecause theres always a more affordable way to help.SW20/ SEEDWORLD.COMOCTOBER 2020'