b'Changing Rules for Seed Breeding Products Destroys TrustINNOVATION IS Akey component of any reli- Herbicide tolerant crops make crop protection able policy to tackle challenges and paves the waymore efficient and contribute to sustainable agricul-for a sustainable future. Europe has had problemstural production by allowing a more targeted weed with acknowledging this fact and could even be seencontrol after crop emergence and for difficult weeds balancing innovation against precaution and science- that compete with the crop for nutrients, light and based decision-making. However, as indicated in thespace. Only increased crop yields can balance the EU Commissions Green Deal and its Farm-to-Forkever-rising need for high-quality food without increas-strategy, innovative technologies, which includesing the amount of land dedicated to agricultural biotechnological breeding approaches, have beenproduction. If we want a realistic path towards the flagged as an important pillar. Thus, there is hope thatFarm-to-Fork goals, advanced breeding techniques MATTHIAS POHLnew genomic tools and other technological solutionsand cultivation tools will have to be applied. A future is global head ofwill also get a chance to play a role in Europes agricul- agriculture that actively reduces COemissions, 2Governmental Affairstural future. preserves biodiversity, minimizes the use of natural Seeds & Traits BASFAt the same time, an anti-technology sentiment isresources and ensures farmers capacity to produce Agricultural Solutions. currently leading to an unjustified attempt in France tosufficient, safe, nutritious and affordable food for all, re-classify established breeding tools, which have beenneeds technology. Precision farming, data-driven agri-used safely for decades, and would make their futureculture, seed breeding and innovation in crop protec-use hardly possible. Moreover, the new approach wouldtion are enablers in agricultural production to fight the severely affect existing intra-European trade of agricul- challenges of a changing climate.tural products and would leave farmer needs for suit- Whatever the reasons for this French initiative are, able tools for efficient crop cultivation unconsidered. our understanding is that the whole breeding sector While in a first step only certain herbicide tolerantis open to work with policy makers to reach a reason-oilseed rape varieties are targeted, the new rules inable and realistic path forward. Unilateral decisions in France may affect many other crops, where mutagen- one Member State, without sound scientific justifica-esis techniques have been applied in multiple forms fortion, can have severe consequences for many sectors the benefit of consumers and the environment. Thisthat may be initially overlooked. Destroying the basis would not only impact France, but indirectly may alsoof marketing safe products is also destroying trust in affect multiple other EU member states.European politics and risks the economic functionality The core issue with the proposed new French rulesof the common market. is the arbitrary splitting of random mutagenesis breed- We trust that a thorough assessment of the pro-ing into different groups (in-vitro and in-vivo). Theseposed rules will help to find an alternative way and a approaches are neither different in their effect on thefair balance of interests, while allowing safe breeding breeding material to which they are applied, nor aremethods to contribute fully to a sustainable future they distinguishable in the resulting product. So, howagriculture.SWcould such an initiative gain momentum without any scientific assessment? OCTOBER 2020SEEDWORLD.COM /79'