b'to truly succeed commercially, it must provide value for the plant breeders cus-tomerbe they a grower or processorand find acceptance among consumers. If either of those is lacking, or if there is a lag or disconnect between the two, commer-cial acceptance simply will not occur.In the case of hybrid corn, the recipe for success was there the product was of immense value to growers and proces-sors and was every consumers dream come true, producing a useful, affordable product they could buy at every grocery store. Hemp did not benefit from the same scenario. Due to the stigma caused largely by its association with marijuana, once the war ended and the need for rope diminished, it simply didnt make sense to keep growing it.Now, breeding programs are finally able to work with hemp as a crop and develop next-gen varieties suited to American growing regions, noted Ismail Dweikat, professor at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, who presented onUniversity of Nebraska-Lincoln corn breeder Tom Hoegemeyer noted that World War II hemp breeding for the Midwest anddrove near-universal adoption of hybrid corn in America.PHOTO COURTESY UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA-LINCOLNnortheast region of the United States. Hemps potential for use in buildingand growers begin rediscovering theI would be excited by a non-browning materials, food, biodiesel and clothing iscrop, a hemp renaissance is taking placeavocado, which is under development by something he is researching extensively.that mirrors the takeoff of hybrid corn inseveral entities. The manufacturer of the A draft genome and accompanyingthe 1940s. Impossible Burger makes it clear they use transcriptome of Cannabis sativa wereGMO soybeans in their product, and its published in 2011 and a large-scale studyParadigm Shift still hugely popular, she said. If consum-of the genetic structure of marijuana andTo me, the turning point toward com- ers are excited by the product, then there hemp types was published in 2015. mercial success is always the attractive- will be acceptance.Now, with the advent of the CBDness of the product, said Fan-Li Chou,Sean Finnie, manager of cultivar market, investors are rushing to patentvice president of scientific affairs for thedevelopment and research for the genetically modified cannabis molecules.American Seed Trade Association. SheMassachusetts-based Bay State Milling With hemp production and consumptionpresented on gene editing regulatoryCompany, spoke about building a high on the rise, how much will genetic engi- issues in the United States and beyond. amylose wheat supply chain and the need neering play into hemps development asLike many places on earth, U.S. regula- for what he calls a paradigm shift in the a commodity crop? tory policy on gene editing is still a workway breeders sell a new cultivar to grow-Great potential exists, he said, butin progress. In June 2019, the Whiteers and, ultimately, consumers.hurdles still abound for anyone wanting toHouse put out an executive order callingAlthough starches high in amylose are work with the crop. on U.S. federal agencies to streamlineassociated with numerous health benefits, Because of its legal limbo, hempregulatory processesincluding thethey have not traditionally been used growers need special licenses from theirapproach to gene editingin order toin most food products due to the lack state, which means fees and paperwork.make U.S. policy more evidence-basedof a high-amylose supply chain. Finnie Growers may also be subject to a crimi- and transparent. wants to change that. Bay State Milling nal background check. In states whereFurthermore, a global consistency onCompany is using high-amylose wheat it is legal, farmers must have their hempregulatory policy is needed to supportvarieties to create new products including plants tested to ensure they are belowcross border scientific collaboration andhealthier ramen noodles, pasta and pizza a certain threshold of THC content, hetrade, Chou said.crust.said. If your plants are found to have tooRegulatory policy aside, she says theAs my breeders pitch I often say that much THC, they may be destroyed. deciding factor on whether gene editedhigh amylose wheat is a cross between Despite those ongoing challenges,products are successful may lie with con- nutrition and affordability with a strong now that consumer acceptance is risingsumers themselves. disease package for Type 2 diabetes, 54/ SEEDWORLD.COMOCTOBER 2020'